All day Walter has been sluggish, mainly because his small body ached so bad. Almost as if he has a very bad case of arthritis. He figured that maybe taking a warm shower might help; so after that it just seemed to make everything worse
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Chrys takes the last few steps slowly and crouches down next to Walter's blanket.
"Hey, you ok there?"
I'm fine, just a little exhausted.
"Looks like more than a little bit, man. Would coffee help? Or talking about it?"
[Sitting up slowly, Walter hisses in pain.]
This always happens, every year around this time. Suicide bombings happened back in my place some years ago. I can still feel the pain that I felt on that fateful day.
And the sad part about this is that, nothing will take it away. So I just have to bear with it.
Chrys's sentence cuts off as Walter sits and hisses. Ze winces in response and properly sits down, reaching an arm behind Walter, should he choose to lean on it for support.
"Oh. Damn." Zir voice is solemn now. "Five years, right? You made it through this long, and you'll keep making it through! But...that kind of hurt takes more than five years."
I'll be fine, I just need to rest here for a bit.
As ze speaks, ze reflexively runs a finger along the scars on the side of zir face.
"Do you want to be alone, then? Or would you rather keep the company?"
N-no...I don't wish to be alone at all. I need people...someone around when things like this happen. Being alone drives me crazy, please, please stay.
"I won't go anywhere, then. To be honest, if you'd said I should go, I probably would've said something like having other people around helps you heal faster. I'm sure it'd be better if it were your citizens, but..."
Ze offers an encouraging smile.
W-what were you doing, before chancing upon me?
"Believe me, I know how that feels. Definitely one of the worst things about being at HQ..."
Ze opens zir eyes again.
"I was just heading down to the lake because it's nice to get out. I'm almost completely surrounded by water back home, and I miss it."
[He takes a deep breath.]
Just being home always makes you feel better, regardless to how ill you feel. I just really need that right now. But I guess having you here is good too.
What waterways are you surrounded by?
Ze agrees to that immediately, but then listens as London lists his landmarks. Ze nods slightly at the mention of bridges in particular.
"I never even contemplated being away from home for some big anniversary until I got here. I suppose people like us need to be home even more than just a citizen might, for these events so tied to, you But seriously, I'm glad I can help."
A bigger nod.
"And I have water on three sides: the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Bay to the east, the Golden Gate to the north. I miss them, and the air that comes off of them. The air here's just not like that."
Though that sounds so soothing, so much water in one place. I'm sure this makes you feel less homesick? The air feeling much like your home?
Being in such an enclosed place as ones doesn't help. I know that I am in so much pain, but I had to get out of there. Alda is going to be very upset with me...I just know it.
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