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May 27, 2011 14:27

[series]: Gossip Girl
[character]: Nathaniel Archibald
[character history / background]: Here.

[character abilities]: Being easily led, falling in love with almost no reason, being a decent person, having misplaced chivalry, and generally having the right intentions at a lot of the wrong time-or simply put: generally being a normal guy. Nate doesn't have any special talents outside of being fairly athletic (he played both lacrosse and soccer and was a necessary attribute to both teams). He's not great at school and his interpersonal skills are rather lacking, considering he tends to believe a lot of people at face value and doesn't always have the right mindset.

[character personality]: In a league of socialites and people looking out for themselves, there is Nate: the odd ball in all this. Although he's been involved in deception and confusion from time to time, it's obvious that he's not built for that lifestyle, enjoying the money of the Upper Eastside, but largely standing as the contradiction and foil to many of the others. His (sometimes former) best friend was one of the most problematic, conniving individuals in the area, and his long-time (now ex) girlfriend was right up there with the best friend in this behavior. Nate, on the other hand, has always been a surprising accessory to their behavior, the sometimes confused and easily influenced follower of the group.

After all, strip away his money, his occasional enjoyed lifestyle, and you get a normal guy. Because deep down, that is Nate. Normal, a little boring, without a cunning bone in his body. He's easily manipulated and has a good heart, often seeking to help others and even wanting to protect people with his desperate attempts. Chivalry isn't dead when it comes to Nate Archibald, because he wants to ensure that others are safe and secure in his presence. He's a good guy, really, with a strong sense of family, and above all, he wants to look out for his mother (even if she is frequently not looking for herself).

In a way, it seems a little like Nate just hasn't "found himself" yet, but he doesn't stress over it the same way others do. Mostly laid back and a little cheerful, he mostly means well when he approaches others, often finding himself a bit of an open book. While others around him are hiding their true intentions and lying on an all-too-frequent basis, Nate is the one who often believes them. And it isn't like Nate isn't aware of his contradiction to others; he knows that he's the different one, the one with a propensity to be honest at face value. He knows he tries a little too hard from time to time, tries to be different because he doesn't know what he wants. But most of all, Nate is a fairly uncomplicated guy, liking typical things and liking a little bit of romance to the point of falling for girls easily and often not knowing what he really wants from a relationship. (Current signs point to an equally uncomplicated girl.) And it's pretty understandable that he would be aware of his contradiction: he wants to be different, wants to do something different, even if he doesn't know what yet. He's already set himself up fairly well in that position, but still needs to understand what that means.

He's someone who knows how to appreciate others, coming off as deeply loyal. He'll do anything for someone he cares about (at least, if he's able to do it), and is sometimes a little too eager to please when he doesn't know what he wants. If Nate is making someone else happy, then that might make things better in the long run. But often enough, he finds himself needing to step back and evaluate what makes him happy.

Remember, though: Nate isn't without his own mistakes and follies, though they often come in him being easily led and getting caught up in the moment. He doesn't work through his feelings for his girlfriend's best friend appropriately, and a mistake happens (they sleep together). He doesn't know how to deal with his best friend and his ex-or-sometimes-not girlfriend? He struggles to be forceful, firm, as if he knows the best way of dealing with the situation. Oh, and don't forget the time that Nate slept with a married woman for money, in order to help his family (but it was fun, too). Nate's a little overeager to help out, to please, and it leads to him making numerous really stupid mistakes along the way, but his well-meaning and sometimes awkward approach to things almost excuses it sometimes.

Of course, it also makes him prey to the socialites around him. But take a rich boy who's fairly average in all aspects and embraces that and what do you expect?

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: post-"The Good-bye Gossip Girl," IE the end of season two.
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