Memes my merry mate, memes.

Sep 21, 2008 11:37

So, I'm doing all the memes Damian just did. Hooray! And I'm relearning how to do the LJ-cut method, because I haven't used it in forever, so memes are below.


Your result for The Charlatan Test...
The Noble Hero

You are the greatest, most chivalric, most painstakingly righteous hero of your time that it's borderline annoying just how great you are. You help the weak and punish the wicked.

Wherever there is evil, you will be there to stop it.

Wherever a wrong is done, you will be there to make it right.

Wherever a kitten is stuck in a tree... well, you see where this is going.

You've got a moral compass that you refuse to stray from, and your convictions are your lifelong guide. Peace is always with you in the mere knowledge that you have attained an inner balance and paladin code.

Your result for Reincarnation Placement Exam...
Tralfamadorian Messenger

We had trouble placing you, but finally found just the thing... for someone who adores technology and knowledge, but doesn't care for much else. Intrigue and adventure? Not important to you, evidently. The company of your fellows? Not to your tastes. The bustle and crowd of the city? Not for you. Were it not for your positive attitude toward modern technology, we would have made you a medieval monk and let you live out your days in a quaint little cell, with access to all the books you could possibly want to read. But instead...

You will be a mechanical being, born on a planet where machines have long ago taken completely over and organic life has become extinct. You will be sent as a messenger to the other end of the galaxy with a message of good will -- a journey of approximately 205,125 years.The message reads: "Greetings."

Hello. Goodbye. We hope you have an satisfactory journey.

Take Reincarnation Placement Exam at HelloQuizzy

Your result for Which Vampire the Masquerade Clan Are You?...
The Degenerate Artiste {Toreador}

The Toreador are a clan of sensuality. Possessed of a supernatural artistic ability and a charm all their own, the vampires of clan Toreador are both envied and hated. They tend to range from deep and sensitive artistes to loud and extravagant extroverts. Toreadors see the depth in every action and the beauty in every move, to the point of utter entrancement. They find beauty in tragedy and tend to idealize their world. The suffering artist, the gallery gazelle and the utter indulgant are all common Toreador themes. Any of these could be you.

For you to be a Toreador means that you see beyond the mundane and glimpse something truly wonderous. You tend to feel misunderstood and sometimes alone as others don't seem to feel or see things as deeply as you do. The narrowminded will try to label you but you truly cannot be labeled. However, in the scheme of being undead you will find your passions will fade or become frustrating. Also, in the world of true survival you're no maverick. If the weight of a person were to be judged by the soul then you would be platinum, however and utterly unrivaled.

Take Which Vampire the Masquerade Clan Are You? at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The RPG Class Test...

Brilliant! You are a Wizard!

Wizards are spells-casters who study powerful arcane magic. While Wizards tend to be pretty fragile, some of those spells can pack quite a punch. Unlike Clerics, Wizards aren't as good at fixing people as they are at breaking them, so watch where you toss that fireball!

Your most distinctive trait is your intelligence. You're probably well learned and logical, if perhaps a bit fragile.
Take The RPG Class Test at HelloQuizzy

I could survive for 1 minute, 19 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor
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