Time to take the Red Pill

Jul 26, 2008 01:35

Anyone hear the broadcast featuring Edgar Mitchell (6th man to walk on the moon)? He's gone public with news of UFOs and alien contact.

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This is just adding to the recent ET-related shows on Larry King and the Vatican stating that "it's ok to believe in extraterrestrials". Big step for the Vatican, they're usually hundreds of years "behind the times". Recently the UK has released their files on UFOs and ETs, France has been open about contact, not sure where other countries stand. Anyone want to chime in here?

I'm SO glad it's finally going mainstream. Mitchell talks about the "giggle factor" as part of disinformation. I'm hoping for FULL, complete disclosure and regular, open contact in my lifetime. It's time to stop hiding all this. I want to go universal! I want to actually MEET some of these aliens, I've heard there are at least 57 different types out there. I want to hear their languages (wouldn't that be amazing?), know if they make music or create art.

It's been slowly building, especially in the past few years. Corso's book The Day After Roswell discusses it in depth. He was the recipient of the Roswell material (files, pieces of technology) which was seeded to related corporations for reverse engineering.

Sorry, I'm blathering, but I'm so excited, I've always wanted to know that there is life on other worlds, I mean statistically, it's more plausible for there to be other life in the universe than for us to be all there is.

Borrowing a quote from Casey(attributed to Hunter S. Thompson) in a previous post; "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
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