In the merry, merry month of May...

May 05, 2005 20:13

May is going to be a month of big changes.  Closing day at the bakery is approaching, and I am of very mixed emotions about it.  I fought to keep the place open for two months, but now I am resigned to its demise, and want it to be over.  I will miss the place, I know, but I am looking forward to the new opportunities that are opening up soon.  I will also miss many of my regular customers, a number of whom I will, most likely, never see again.  That is distressing, because I have come to like a great many of them.  Of course, there have also been those customers---relatively few, in the big scheme of things---I desperately wanted to shoot, like the "pink girl"---she was literally dressed head-to-toe in pink!---who would not interrupt her cell phone conversation, and instead chose to point with her long, fake fingernails at the items she wanted---she would point, then hold up her fingers to indicate how many of each she wanted---all the while looking at me as though I were beneath contempt.  That sort of thing I will not miss at all.  All in all, though, the past two-plus-years at the bakery have been pretty good.

On Saturday, I go and sign the lease for my new apartment.  This is the first time, at age 35, that I am finally moving into a place where I actually want to live, not some place I am settling for because circumstance seems to demand it.  It's a good-size apartment, with two relatively-small bedrooms, large kitchen and bathroom, and what I consider a very large living room with french doors leading into a den with a fireplace (!!!).  As I say, I sign the lease Saturday evening and pay half rent for May.  Bob, the landlord (who is a really interesting fellow), said I could pay the security deposit later.  One thought that has plagued me since Kelly and I saw the place last Sunday is, "Jeez, I am really going to have to buy some furniture now!"  I've never even really thought about it previously.

Big changes this month for Kelly, too, who has been on my mind a lot (natch), but I will let her talk about that in her own journal.

Man oh man, my life is better with her in it...

the future, stress, the bakery, kelly, change, the past

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