Cracking up!

Apr 11, 2005 20:57

This has really been one of those days!  One of those days that really tries your patience, and gives you cause to wonder just how much crap you can take before your hold on sanity gives way....  Yeah, it's been one of those days.

For starters, I'm just not feeling well, I mean physically not well.  Beyond that, stress at work is at an all-time high.  The bakery has not been doing well lately (neither location has been doing well, but the Valpo store is way down from the same time last year, and showing no signs of getting better), and Barb and Robert have been talking about closing down.  It's been discussed on and off for the past month, with me being the only one voting against it.  This past week, I believed that I had convinced Barb to let me take over running the store, with a new outlay of money for an outdoor seating area, more advertising, and a real push to sell lunches now that the big lunch-provider downtown has closed.  As I say, I believed I had her convinced---until this afternoon, when she informed me that she had pretty much decided to close the store.  I was flaggergasted.  I've been tired all day because of the cold, the side effects of the cold medicine, and from not sleeping well over the weekend, and I was just too tired to fight her anymore.  She goes from one extreme to another in the space of just a few days, and I can't keep up with her ever-changing moods (as Paul Weller would say).

The plan now, apparently, is to close the Valparaiso store and put Robert and I on the Spring/Summer/Autumn market circuit in Indiana and Illinois---the idea being that we can make a great deal more money simply selling pies at an outdoor market where we have much lower overhead than renting a store.  Barb will also give me a raise and put me on commission, so if I sell $1,000.00 worth of pies in a day (which I can very easily do), I'll make $100.00---which is a good deal more than I make in a day currently.  This all sounds nice---but, will it work out this way in reality?

To make matters worse, I got home to find a notice from the bank that I am overdrawn and the rent check had bounced---great!  But, damn, I cannot figure out where the overdraft came from... sigh....

I'm tired and want to eat dinner and go to sleep.

the future, stress, finances, the bakery

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