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Yes, it's a fascinating area. That general area is also the sight of origin of the Ben Ishmael Tribe of Indiana, a mixed-race, vaguely Muslim group which formed a settlement on the White River in Indiana, which eventually became Indianapolis. They moved up from the middle southeast to the area which is now Cincinati at the end of the 18th century, at which point the Tribe split into different clans, some of which returned to the southeast (and the darkness of history), the rest continuing to the northwest. From the White River settlement, they began a seasonal migration that took them north to the Kankakee River in the Spring, to the area of Champaign-Urbana, IL 'til Autumn, and then back due east to the White River for the Winter. They remained there until the early 20th century, when the state of Indiana passed the nation's first eugenic sterilization law designed specifically to get rid of them. The clans broke-up, and many of them ended up in Chicago and Detroit---two cities which became very important in the early history of the Moorish Science Temple.
Yes, it's a fascinating area. That general area is also the sight of origin of the Ben Ishmael Tribe of Indiana, a mixed-race, vaguely Muslim group which formed a settlement on the White River in Indiana, which eventually became Indianapolis. They moved up from the middle southeast to the area which is now Cincinati at the end of the 18th century, at which point the Tribe split into different clans, some of which returned to the southeast (and the darkness of history), the rest continuing to the northwest. From the White River settlement, they began a seasonal migration that took them north to the Kankakee River in the Spring, to the area of Champaign-Urbana, IL 'til Autumn, and then back due east to the White River for the Winter. They remained there until the early 20th century, when the state of Indiana passed the nation's first eugenic sterilization law designed specifically to get rid of them. The clans broke-up, and many of them ended up in Chicago and Detroit---two cities which became very important in the early history of the Moorish Science Temple.
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