This evening...

May 21, 2007 19:28

Looking around at Soma for someone, I ran into an acquaintance named Peter.  All that I know of the man is that he is a professor in the law school, and refers to himself as an "old opera queen".  He and I have acquaintances in common, and are both habitues of Soma.  At any rate, after talking about music for 10 or 15 minutes, I excused myself, and he said it was nice talking to me and that I "always have such interesting things to say."  I really appreciated that remark.

Walking toward the bus station, I realized I had already missed the bus, and so decided to walk over to Caveat Emptor and look at the used books I cannot afford to buy.  I intended to ask the man (whose name I do not know, much to my regret and shame) if they had any books on Jacobitism (which is of increasing fascination to me), but he was otherwise engaged.  Going around the corner to where the British history section is, along the north wall, I encountered a young lady who was browsing the literary criticism section.  We exchanged pleasantries, and I went about my searching---finding, almost inevitably, a number of books, including the Folio Society boxed set edition of Glencoe & Culloden, none of which books I can afford.  Just a bit later, when I was back at the desk talking to the gentleman, the young lady came up, and when the man was called away, she and I chatted.  She said that she is a graduate of the library school here and is now a librarian in Connecticut.  We spoke for several minutes, about nothing really important, I guess, and then she stepped away when the man returned.  He and I were talking about the folklorist Robert Cantwell, and related topics, and she excused herself and went out into the lobby.  But, she hesitated, looking at a big book about trains, and looking back into the store.  I hesitated, stupidly unwilling to end the conversation the very nice gentleman and I were having in order to go after her---because, as nice as he is, she was simply charming, my dear friends!  After a few minutes, she continued out the door to the sidewalk, and, after a few more minutes, I finally told him that I simply had to go after her.  He wished me godspeed, and I left.  But, I never did find her...  I had little chance, quite frankly, for I had hesitated too long, and I saw not what direction she went... and, had she a car, she could have been long gone by the time I hit the street.

She had a kind face, cheerful and friendly, intelligent and inquisitive.  I neglected to even ask her name...  She said that she is here on vacation... so, perhaps, our paths will cross again before this week is through.  Oh, by the grace of God, let it be so!

It occurs to me that perhaps I should look at this as a quest: that I will search, that challenges will be laid before me to overcome, and that with purity of heart and mind I will prevail, and I shall find her...  At which point, purity of heart and mind truly becomes a challenge!  No, forgive me for that comment.  It is late, and I am unable to sleep, and it leads to a disordered mind.  But, to the matter, I will awake in the morning, and ask God's guidance on my quest.

charm, infatuation, chance encounters

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