Everything you need to know about Charles, in 26 letters!

Jan 06, 2007 01:24

[A is for age]: 37

[B is for beer of choice]: Currently, Samuel Adams Brown Ale.  Generally, Guinness.

[C is for career]: Rodeo clown.

[D is for favorite Drink]: Bombay Sapphire gimlet, or Chivas Regal w/ soda and a lime, or Jameson's straight up.  Oh, did you not mean alcoholic drink?  I assumed you did...

[E is for Essential item you use everyday]: Uniball deluxe micro ink pen.

[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: Three have me hooked right now: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Still In Love; Rufus Wainwright, It's Only A Paper Moon; and Calexico, Sunken Waltz.

[G is for favorite Game]: Trivial Pursuit, I suppose... jeez, I play it enough anyway...

[H is for Home town]: Gary, Indiana

[I is for Instruments you play]: Air guitar virtuoso.

[J is for favorite Juice]: I like V8 with Tabasco and chili powder.

[K is for Kids]: They'll eat ivy too, I've heard tell.

[L is for last kiss]: Well, I honestly don't remember---isn't that sad?  Probably my 5 year old niece Leah, when I left after Christmas.

[M is for marriage]: It works for some people, but it ain't my bag.

[N is for full Name]: Charles William Cannon, III

[O is for Overnight hosp stays]: At least three times.

[P is for phobias]: The dark, and internet quizzies that ask a lot of probing questions.

[Q is for quote]: "Let them call me rebel and welcome.  I shall feel no concern from this.  But I should suffer the misery of devils were I to make a whore of my soul." -Thomas Paine

[R is for biggest Regret]: Well, I'm not getting into that.  I've spent (or wasted?) more than enough time on that subject.

[S is for sports]: I used to run hurdles, and I loved it.  I was pretty good too.  Arthritis ended that.

[T is for Time you wake up]: Depends on how much of B and D I've had...

[U is for color underwear]: It varies, but generally plaid.

[V is for Vegetable you love]: Is whiskey a vegetable?  If not, then I'd say onions.  Hmmm... come to think of it, L is starting to make more sense.

[W is for Worst Habit]: Obsessive-compulsive procrastination.

[X is for X-rays you've had]: I have no recollection.  Definitely more than twelve, I'd say.

[Y is for Yummy food you make]: Chili.

[Z is for zodiac sign]: Libra

insomnia, meme, wasting time

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