
May 13, 2002 17:35

My frustration level is very high this evening. I work, as my friends all know, in a gourmet coffee shop inside the local WalMart---this in itself is contradictory enough to make it interesting---and one of my fellow employees is so inconsiderate she does not bother coming in to work on time. So, I wait around, and finally decide to close the shop and go home. Tomorrow, though, I know I am going to catch hell from the owner.

I'm going to quit and open my own shop, goddammit.

Oh, and I never did get around to taking that Buick to the junkyard, either... so, still it sits in my parking space at the apartment.

I sent Liz roses today... I doubt she's seen them yet, though.

I was really hoping that the midwestern mail box pipe-bomber would turn out to be some right-wing Christian Identity nut... instead he is an art student from Wisconsin. Somehow, the Left will end up being blamed for this.

liz, work, annoyance

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