Feb 22, 2010 23:19
I may have already blabbed about this on Twitter and Facebook, but screw it; I GOT A KAMP USA JOB IN AMERICA! Eeeeeeeeeeee!
I've been expecting to get one; all the admin was done and it was pretty much guaranteed - I just had to wait for a placement, and now I've got one! Camp Birchmont, in New Hampshire; right next to Wentworth Lake and very big on water sports and tennis. I've had a look at the website, and although there must be some cherrypicking of clips and photos (as there is with everything), it looks lovely; very sunny, and the lake is a huge expanse of incredibly clear water. Lovely!
I'm working in the kitchen, which I'm finding a hilarious concept; I'm going to be completely useless. I'm terrible at cooking! I did think I might end up in an office (I did emphasise my officey skills on my form and in my phone interview), but t'was not meant to be. I'm well aware that it's not going to be a job steeped in glamour, but it's a small price to pay. America! New people! New experiences! Staying in New York for a day and hopefully travelling there later on! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!
It's going to be tough. It's going to be utterly terrifying. Leaving home for university was a big enough step. (I wouldn't call it terrifying, exactly, more...different. Odd. A bit lonely. Isn't any more, though! *squishes Cathy*). I know it won't be roses all of the time. But I'm finally going to America after years and years and years of wanting to, and I know I'll have fun.
Hurrah. HURRAH! Life is so very excellent.
Let the next round of admin begin.
rl: uni,
rl: kamp usa