I hate what I've seen of Skins (which, admittedly, isn't a great deal), and I haven't yet seen Slumdog Millionaire, but I just watched last night's Daily Show, and Dev Patel?
Dear Lord, he's cute.
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Dev Patel Daily Show Full EpisodesFunny Political VideosImportant Things With Demetri MartinMore Funny Videos Seriously, how can you not love him? He's absolutely adorable!
Also, I stumbled across Moses Jones on BBC iplayer, and it is absolutely brilliant. I admit I was drawn to it because the screenshot for the programme was of Matt Smith and Shaun Parkes stalking down a street looking authoritative, but it's fantastic; fast-moving, slick, exciting. I haven't reached the end yet, but I can't wait for the next part.
(Matt Smith is hilarious in it, as well; his character Dan Twentyman (which is brilliant in itself) seems to have spent most of the first episode acting like a very professional goof. Hope it continues! Also, Christ, he's tall.)
Right, back to German homework. I just got an e-mail saying that school might be closed tomorrow, but judging from the snow-that-is-now-diminishing slush outside, I don't trust it to be. Is the weather forecast accurate, d'you think?