Interesting day today; I managed to slot in a couple of anti-royalist statements in a Measure for Measure lesson, which didn't go unnoticed; I had a very strange argument with someone about differentiation between modern British political parties (my argument being that there isn't a great deal anymore, hers that I was being a cynic), was called "very New Right" by my politics teacher (despite vowing never to vote conservative when I reach the right age), and claimed that, after watching a video about social class, "I've never felt so communist in my life!" (To which I elaborated, "I'm not a communist, but..." and my teacher replied, "Oh, you would never finish that sentence in the McCarthy days. I'm a communist, but...BOOM!" I'm not a communist. I'm just known as being fervently anti-capitalist, probably without knowing enough about it. Still, I know more than I used to.)
I'm a confused political melting pot at the moment. Actually, make that an extremely cynical confused political melting pot; what with David Cameron on the rise and Mandelson back in the Cabinet, and endless, endless debates in America when it's all about point-scoring and little else, I'm holding no faith in politicians at the moment. Perhaps my friend was right.
(Having said that, I was still pleased to see that Obama has a three-point lead over McCain. I'm such a hypocrite.)
My UCAS form still hasn't been sent off, and I'm starting to get antsy now; I'd love it to be out of the way and done, but I still need a reference. I think my impatience is amplified by what happened to the aforementioned friend; she's already received an offer from Manchester. Already. Admittedly, the Oxbridge statements are sent early, but that's astoundingly quick. This friend is one of those people who is astoundingly good at absolutely every subject and skill there is; A grades, Grade eights in dozens of instruments, spits cherry stones long distances, you name it. I've known her since we were five and she's always been the same. I'm not jealous, per se, because I'm me and she's her and we both want to do different things, but when you're constantly around someone who always trumps you, it can get disheartening. Particularly as she manages all the acadameia and does sports AND plays at concerts AND gets paid for the concerts AND rubs it in my face, which just makes me angry. She's probably not even aware she's doing it.
...need to get off this subject before I start rambling. Basically, Manchester will have her, as any other university doubtless will. My top three are Durham, Warwick and York; I'm perfectly aware I may not be offered a place at the first two, and would be happy with York; I visited there and thought it was brilliant, plus, the course is just what I want. It sounds fascinating. Time will tell, though.
Five days till Barrowman! Yay! And four till
lillyankh travels up here again - HURRAH! I haven't seen her since July, and we seem to get up to epic things every time we've met in the past year; April was Barrowman in concert, July saw us marching with Ian McKellen through the streets of London (and literally screaming over Freema Agyeman); God knows what'll happen this time. Barrowman and Russell are signing their books at the Centaur, so we may ACTUALLY GET TO MEET THEM. You should have seen me when I found out about that; you had to scrape me off the ceiling. CAN'T BLOODY WAIT!
(Oh; I never told the Ian McKellen story, did I? I will one day; once I have the photos to hand!)
It's going to be a superb weekend. Still have to arrange a fair few things, though.
There are SO MANY Torchwood filming photos around at the moment, most of them consisting of John and Gareth titting around on set in full costume, and with bananas. It's a mark of slight desperation and Torchwood withdrawal that I keep examining different pictures and wondering if they're in character or not. You can usually tell; Jack in character is always very intense and focused, as is Ianto, whereas if it's John he's generally sticking his tongue out or dancing in the middle of the road. Which is utterly adorable.
Not a huge amount of Eve in recent days, though. Although, intriguing pictures have surfaced of a massive pile on the Plass, and there's a rumour going round that the Hub gets destroyed by something. Naturally, WHAT?! However, my one-track, shippy mind is already thinking through the results of that; Gwen and Rhys will have to go back to their flat, and seeing as Jack lives in the damn base, he'd have to go back to Ianto's place at some point. Wherever the hell Ianto lives. I'm reading too much into this, aren't I?
Argh. Fingers hurting. Exhausted. Listening to the Eels. You just gotta let it go...