
Oct 20, 2006 03:55

So, I was talking to a friend tonight about how I Will Never Publish A Book Fo' Reals Because All My Endings Suck Or Do Not Exist, and he asked me why I didn't pull a Joe Peacock and try to get my online journal published and/or do it as an eBook.

If you're thinking "Meghan, you post once a year, wtf" let me explain -- I've had an online journal since 1995, and it used to be my primary writing outlet.  I wrote essay-length entries almost every day for years and years; some of them were damned funny.  I was all A-List and written up in magazines and got creepy marriage proposals.

So, I was just wondering if this idea was feasible at all, and I figured I'd ask you guys... if I did a book of selected entries (not the angsty I-Hate-Annie-zomg-Nathaniel-Is-My-Soulmate ones, the funny ones), would that be a thing anyone would ever want to own?

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