Apr 04, 2006 15:25
Lately, I've been trying to clean up my Mom's house, a task slightly more onerous than the Augean stables. I just spent about six hours cleaning her laundry room, and I'm still not done... several hours of that was me on my hands and knees, scrubbing the linoleum with steel wool to loosen the inches of best-not-described caked-on badness. I bleached the walls and trim, but I'm resigned to the fact that I'm just going to have to paint them if I ever want them to look non-atrocious.
Not having a car is bloody annoying. The only thing worse than scraping up dog feces with your fingernails is walking to go scrape up dog feces with your fingernails. I actually got so annoyed with the walking back and forth from my apartment to Mom's house earlier that I dragged my old bike out of the garage.
Note for cliche writers: you can forget how to ride one.
Particularly if you are wearing flip-flops, a skirt, and no underwear.
Yeah -- I walked back instead.
Back hurts. Knees hurt. Fingers riddled with steel-wool cuts soaked in bleach. Have only managed to take laundry room from "Jesus Christ, people live here?!?!" to "Eeeew!".
My roommate has agreed to drive me back to Mom's house so that I don't have to walk, so I'm going to go find a horizontal surface and pass out upon it until he's ready to go.
Oh, yeah -- Happy Birthday, Dunlap. Wherever you are.