Long time no update

Apr 16, 2006 04:06

So it's been a while since I've updated this thing, why you ask? Well quite simply, World of Warcraft has stolen my soul. Yup, I'm more likely to be found roaming around Durotar then I am in the real world. On the plus side my housemates dragged me out grocery shopping so I won't end up being one of those guys who starve to death while playing video games.

In other news, I'm done school for the semester. After all my all-nighters I handed in all my final stuff. I think I did well enough in Sceneography to at least pass the course. Jerrard really like the concept for my design (I had an actually METAPHOR dammit!) the only thing I'm really worried about is if those two missed assignments are really going to bite me in the ass. In any case I'm happy with the work I did, hopefully I'll be able to start a portfolio out of this stuff.

I also got a couple of things back from Judith. Turns out I was batting an 80 in that course with my play and my monologue. To bad my journal is going to take a bite out of that, damn play reviews. Oh well hopefully I'll still land in the 75 range and boost my average. Also, after listening to Judith bitch and moan about how no one every picks up their plays and reads her oh so important governor award winner comments, I read what see had to say about my play. Basically she believed the characters and the world, but thought the play was unfinished. In other words "shit I already knew". Good thing we keep an award winning internationally acclaimed playwright on staff, huh?

I'm moving again by the 28th. Next year I'll be living in Carlos' room, a 2 minute walk to campus from behind the second cup. Booyah. It'll be nice to be able to roll out of bed just before class again, and to be able to just go home for those long breaks between classes, where it's long enough to be bored with nothing to do on campus but just short enough to make going home not seem worth it. Now I have to try to get some nice people with cars to help me move. I also might have to look into getting storage space, since the place will be quite a bit smaller then where I'm living now. Maybe I'll try to ship some stuff to Karen's place with the rest of the junk I don't use anymore.

I've also have two things lined up this summer, first I go to Peterborough to work on the Asterion project with Jerrard, which I'm pretty pumped about. Secondly I was accepted into the Stratford courses. So for once I'm actually doing something with my summer, hurrah! I probably should look for getting work until then though, since my funds are running a bit low, hmmmmm.
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