(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 00:27

The world is definitely conspiring against me, and really, it's gotten to be pretty damn funny. Why else would I get a speeding ticket one day, two days later have your car break down to the point where it has to be junked and the day after that have the really neat car radio I ordered to replace my broken one be delivered to me? Along with that my computer has a power surge that blows some of the connectors and I have to ship it back, one of my hardrives bites the dust, some of the electronics in my bass guitar break, and I blow out my practice amp. Now I'm a patient fellow but all these occurrences in the last couple of weeks have led me to believe that I am not allowed to have nice things. Well nice things that relate to technology mostly. I know what's wrong with all these things, and even how to fix some of them, yet as soon as one things fixed something else breaks. And my rage at inanimate objects is truly scary sometimes. Of course this misguided anger normally ends up with me being hurt by whichever object my ire is directed at, and needless to say leaves me feeling rather sheepish. But yes overall I've decided I hate technology, I find it hard to live without it, and I have no idea what to do, or where to dig up the money for all these unexpected expenses that keep cropping up. Sooner or later I think I'll go live in the trees with apes as any good human was meant too, living off berries and nuts while chittering angrily and throwing rocks at passing cars. Until then I shall continue to make forays into mutually beneficial relations with all nature of technological objects and find away to appease their mysterious vendetta against me.
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