May 01, 2010 00:49
If you're interested in joining this RP, please fill out this application and leave it as a comment below. I'm not really looking for grammer or spelling (though those things are nice). I'm looking for people who can be very true to the character! We will start on season 2.
Name: Your name.
Character Name: Character/s that you are interested in playing. (am jim)
Time: Be honest here, too, please. I need to know how much involvement you are going to put into this because if all the players are pretty involved, it's more enjoyable for everyone. If we have only 1 or 2 really involved people than things will die out quickly. If you still want to apply but don't have a lot of time, consider applying for characters who are not (in the show) major players (I only recommend this for players who want to be part of the RP but don't feel that they can be very involved).
Thank you for applying and being interested! I will get back to you ASAP if you apply! If you have any questions, direct them to me in a comment (you don't have to apply to ask questions).