Title: Swaying
neverenoughjam Word Count: 4287
Rating: PG
Characters: Jim/Pam
Spoilers: Diwali
Warning: Mild language
Summary: Response to two challenges at MTT: Dancing Pam (how Jim discovered that Pam is "a dorky dancer") and The Documentary Crew (the crew tries to help get Jim and Pam together).
Author's Note: I've taken several liberties on a technical level in the interest of story flow. I've started with the assumption that the documentary crew is videotaping The Office, not filming it, and that Jim's DVD player, by some miracle, can play raw digital video. Also, since he's watching unedited footage, he'll see some scenes we didn't see in "Diwali". Also note that he is seeing scenes in a different order than we saw them.
This just might be the opportunity he was looking for...