expect the unexpected (ryan/kelly) pg

Jul 03, 2008 15:24

Title: Expect the Unexpected
Pairing/Characters: Kelly/Ryan
Rating: PG
Word Count: 508
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Kelly sits Ryan in front of Big Brother 8. Gushing over a certain real showmance ensues.
Author's Notes: You can read this without having ever seen BB8, but you probably won't catch everything, though the underlying theme is pretty obvious. I realize this doesn't match up with real time, since by the time BB8 aired, Ryan had already moved to NYC and broke up with Kelly, but work with me here. Prompt from nobodysbizathon "the new Eric and Jessica". This was mostly for slybrunette and my own amusement.

Kelly squeals as the opening credits roll.

character: ryan, author: bebitched, couple: ryan/kelly, challenge, rating: pg, challenge comm: nobodysbizathon, character: kelly

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