Title: Expressions in Emoticons: Season 3 Part 4
ladama23 Pairing/Character: Jim/Pam
Rating: PG13 or T
Summary: A continued glimpse into the instant messaging history of Jim and Pam.
Spoilers: Through "The Job"
Disclaimer: The Office and Jim & Pam belong to NBC and not to me
Notes: This is the 9th (and for right now, final) installment of this series.I wrote a conversation for each episode to expand upon what we see as well as to answer some questions. X-posted at
MTT previously:
Season 3 Part 3 reminder: sweetlarissa is Jim's younger sister, Larissa
48. The Negotiation (Part 2)
March 5 2007, 8:23pm
sweetlarissa: hey
jimhalpert: hey
sweetlarissa: so was it completely awkward?
jimhalpert: oh no, not at all
jimhalpert: in fact at the end of the day we all held hands around a campfire and sang "kum-bay-ya"
sweetlarissa: :-p
jimhalpert: honestly, no, it's actually wasn't that awkward
jimhalpert: I mean today was weird, but it had much more to do with Michael and Dwight and much less to do with Roy
sweetlarissa: in other words, you're grateful to work with a bunch of nuts cuz it makes your problems seem normal?
jimhalpert: yeah, that's pretty much it
sweetlarissa: well, I have to ask something and you're gonna hate me
jimhalpert: nah, I've been expecting it all day . . .
sweetlarissa: did you talk to Pam?
sweetlarissa: or vice-versa?
jimhalpert: we did, briefly
sweetlarissa: ???
jimhalpert: she said she was sorry about Roy, and I said okay
sweetlarissa: and . . . ?
jimhalpert: and that was pretty much it
sweetlarissa: ok, maybe Karen will buy your Reader's Digest versions of things
jimhalpert: here we go . . .
sweetlarissa: but I don't, so spill it
jimhalpert: okay, fine
jimhalpert: but can I request you keep the judging to a minimum?
sweetlarissa: yes you can ;-)
jimhalpert: God, you're just like Mom . . .
sweetlarissa: :-p
jimhalpert: so she was in the break room alone
jimhalpert: and honestly I wanted to turn and walk away, but I went in anyways
jimhalpert: and she kind of jokingly said she's sorry she almost got me killed, and I said it was pretty crazy
jimhalpert: then she said it was stupid to get back with Roy
jimhalpert: I said that I understood they had a strong connection
sweetlarissa: which isn't true, btw
jimhalpert: then she said it was completely over with him
jimhalpert: and I said I'm sure they'll find a way back to each other
sweetlarissa: JIM!
jimhalpert: hey, it's not like I planned to say that, it just came out
jimhalpert: and I think this little affair proves it's not exactly outside the realm of possibility
sweetlarissa: I think it is, but whatever, then what happened
jimhalpert: well, I was about to leave when she said my name
jimhalpert: and she said "I am really sorry" and I told her not to worry about it, and then I went back to my desk
jimhalpert: and that's it, honestly
jimhalpert: so go ahead and tell me what I did wrong
sweetlarissa: well, the "find a way back to Roy" comment was a bit uncalled for
sweetlarissa: but you claim it wasn't premeditated, so I'll excuse you
jimhalpert: and what else?
sweetlarissa: that's all
jimhalpert: wow, who are you and what have you done with Larissa?
jimhalpert: not that I'm complaining . . .
sweetlarissa: I just have one question
jimhalpert: ah, there you are ;-)
sweetlarissa: yeah yeah, but really, I want you to think about this question
sweetlarissa: what do you expect from Pam?
jimhalpert: um, I don't really expect anything from Pam
sweetlarissa: then why do you sound so disappointed when you describe any encounters you've had with her
sweetlarissa: like she didn't say what you wanted to hear
jimhalpert: okay, I'm lost . . .
sweetlarissa: well, I've never met the girl but from the hours upon hours I've spent hearing about her
jimhalpert: I haven't talked about her that much . . .
sweetlarissa: I have determined she's shy, she gets flustered when she's confronted, and she's a bit fearful
jimhalpert: not gonna argue with that
sweetlarissa: she's not brave, Jim
sweetlarissa: she's not gonna do what you did last May
jimhalpert: obviously
sweetlarissa: I'm just saying that if you expect her to say or do a certain thing to express how she feels about you
sweetlarissa: you might miss it when she actually does express how she feels about you
jimhalpert: "when", huh?
sweetlarissa: yes, "when", and I hope you'll be ready ;-)
jimhalpert: okay, Dr. Halpert, we getting to the end of our session now, aren't we?
sweetlarissa: yes, I think so, that will be $200
jimhalpert: ouch, can I put it on my tab?
sweetlarissa: I thought they only had tabs at bars, but sure
sweetlarissa: just to warn you it's getting kind of large, and I might have to call it in soon ;-)
jimhalpert: psychologists call in tabs?
sweetlarissa: I think we're getting our metaphors all mixed up
jimhalpert: yeah, I could use a drink, though . . .
sweetlarissa: well, I think surviving an attack from a warehouse worker gone wild entitles you to a drink on me
sweetlarissa: like tomorrow
sweetlarissa: what do you say?
jimhalpert: I'm pretty sure it's a misdemeanor in Scranton to say no to free booze
sweetlarissa: :-D
49. Safety Training
April 12 2007 3:27pm
pambeesly: wow
pambeesly: crazy day, huh?
jimhalpert: actually, considering the amount of time we have known Michael Scott
jimhalpert: and all the completely idiotic things we've witnessed him do
jimhalpert: I'm kind of surprised he hasn't killed himself yet
pambeesly: ha :-)
jimhalpert: how did you weasel out of the gift thing?
pambeesly: I told him it's at home
pambeesly: and I'll bring it tomorrow
pambeesly: and I'm going to conveniently space out bringing it until he hopefully forgets about it
jimhalpert: good call
jimhalpert: sooo, the betting games were kind of fun
pambeesly: yeah, you cleaned up
jimhalpert: yeah, which makes me both happy since I won some cash
jimhalpert: as well as disturbed by how well I know this place
pambeesly: Karen sure seems competitive
jimhalpert: you don't know the half of it
pambeesly: really?
jimhalpert: well back in Stamford she would basically murder me at this online video game we'd play at the office
pambeesly: you guys played video games?
jimhalpert: under the guise of "team building"
pambeesly: ah, I see
jimhalpert: but yeah, she loves competition
pambeesly: cool
jimhalpert: yeah, sort of
pambeesly: sort of?
jimhalpert: I mean when it's all it good fun, its okay
jimhalpert: but sometimes it feels like she just wants to one-up everyone
pambeesly: oh
jimhalpert: I don't know
pambeesly: oh look, corporate is calling
jimhalpert: shocking
pambeesly: I bet they'll make Michael attend some counseling sessions
jimhalpert: nah, they'll know he was just being stupid
jimhalpert: and make him go through safety training again
jimhalpert: like in a weekend session so he can't drag anyone along
pambeesly: care to wager $5 on that?
jimhalpert: you're on, Beesly
50. Product Recall
April 19 2007, 2:13pm
pambeesly: how'd it go?
jimhalpert: um, it took a few free reams to convince them, but Dunmore High School is still a client of Dunder Mifflin
pambeesly: well done
jimhalpert: and bonus, Andy's girlfriend was there
pambeesly: someone crazy enough to date Andy, huh?
pambeesly: I hate to say I'd expect more from a teacher
jimhalpert: not a teacher
pambeesly: counselor?
jimhalpert: nope
pambeesly: lunch lady?
jimhalpert: no dice
pambeesly: oh!
jimhalpert: yup
pambeesly: oh my god!
jimhalpert: to his defense, though, he claims had no idea that she was a high school student when he met her working at the frozen yogurt stand in the mall
jimhalpert: nor when he drove her to take her SATs
pambeesly: are you serious?
jimhalpert: well, not about the SATs, but the frozen yogurt part is real
pambeesly: wow
jimhalpert: so how did the press conference go?
pambeesly: oh, about how you would imagine it would go
jimhalpert: well, if Samuel L. Chang was there, there more than likely was a screw up of some sort
jimhalpert: wow, a snort :-D
pambeesly: I was lucky I didn't lose it when he said "Threat Level Midnight" in the conference this morning
jimhalpert: yeah me too
pambeesly: I'll never forget that day, finding that script under his many joke books
pambeesly: with the one "Dwigt" :-)
jimhalpert: yeah, that was an interesting day
jimhalpert: okay, I think I've put off returning these messages as long as I could
pambeesly: yeah, good luck with that
jimhalpert: I actually have a system going where I'm calling back the people who cussed the most in their messages first
jimhalpert: hopefully by the end of the day I'll just be dealing with mildly irritated customers
pambeesly: sounds like a plan :-)
pambeesly: speaking of, here's an angry customer now
pambeesly: wow, this guy just used the phrase "Godless heathens"
jimhalpert: better tell Angela one of her relatives is calling
pambeesly: :-)
51. Women's Appreciation
May 4 2007, 9:13am
kfilippelli: what is Dwight going on about in the conference room?
jimhalpert: he's in the conference room?
kfilippelli: uh, yeah, he's been yelling for the last 5 minutes
jimhalpert: must've had a bad beet this morning
kfilippelli: :-)
kfilippelli: so where do you want to go?
jimhalpert: uh, do you mean like this weekend?
kfilippelli: we keep talking about a trip, and summer's coming up quickly
jimhalpert: oh, um, the Poconos maybe
kfilippelli: let's shoot for a place that it takes more than an hour to get to
kfilippelli: I was thinking New York
jimhalpert: okay
kfilippelli: or maybe Boston
kfilippelli: or you know what, my parents go to my uncle's place on Long Island Sound every 4th of July
kfilippelli: that might be fun
jimhalpert: maybe, they all sound like good ideas
kfilippelli: oh, hey, the yelling finally stopped
pambeesly signed in at 9:18am
jimhalpert: wow, what was that about?
pambeesly: um, Dwight got a tip about the sex predator
jimhalpert: ah, an interrogation
pambeesly: yeah, I don't think I've ever seen him so angry
jimhalpert: and you had to fight the urge to laugh the whole time, didn't you?
pambeesly: pretty much
jimhalpert: yeah, I have that problem too
jimhalpert: hey
pambeesly: yeah?
jimhalpert: nice work on that poster ;-)
pambeesly: thanks :-)
kfilippelli: so we really should make a decision in the next couple weeks
kfilippelli: and make reservations
jimhalpert: yeah, definitely
kfilippelli: do you have any other suggestions
kfilippelli: remember, more than an hour away ;-)
jimhalpert: Philadelphia?
kfilippelli: oh, what am I gonna do with you, Halpert?
52. Beach Games
May 14, 2007 10:34am
pambeesly: hey
jimhalpert: hi
pambeesly: corporate just called to confirm everyone's interview times this Thursday
pambeesly: Michael's is at 10:30, Karen's is at 11:15 and yours is at 12:45
jimhalpert: oh, okay
pambeesly: and they're going to fax some forms for everyone to fill out by the end of the day
jimhalpert: okay
jimhalpert: sorry I didn't tell you about that
pambeesly: about the interview?
jimhalpert: yeah, I mean, that I didn't tell you personally
pambeesly: don't be sorry
pambeesly: it's a really great opportunity
jimhalpert: yeah, it is
jimhalpert: so, I never asked what it was like
pambeesly: what what was like?
jimhalpert: doing the coal walk
pambeesly: oh
pambeesly: um, I don't know
pambeesly: I think the point is it's mostly mental
jimhalpert: yeah
pambeesly: like I was scared, and all I could think about was about how much it would hurt
pambeesly: but once I did it, I kind of wondered what I was so scared of, you know?
jimhalpert: yeah, I think I do
pambeesly: plus it helped that I didn't crawl through it like Dwight did
jimhalpert: ah, Dwight
jimhalpert: he's . . . dedicated, that's for sure
pambeesly: that's a way of putting it ;-)
jimhalpert: :-)
pambeesly: call coming your way
jimhalpert: gah, who dare calls me at work!?
pambeesly: :-D well, I better let you get to it
jimhalpert: alright then, later
pambeesly: later
53. The Job
May 17, 2007 4:42pm
jimhalpert: what are you giggling about back there?
pambeesly: oh, you know good and well what I'm giggling about
jimhalpert: no, actually I don't
pambeesly: take a wild guess
jimhalpert: you have a wild lemur trying to crawl down your shirt?
pambeesly: um, no
jimhalpert: shoot, I could have sworn it was a lemur laugh
pambeesly: :-)
jimhalpert: um
jimhalpert: you're watching some web video about pandas?
pambeesly: wow, so close, but not really close at all
jimhalpert: :-p
pambeesly: care to entertain more guesses?
jimhalpert: I just haven't a clue, Beesly
jimhalpert: you really need to get yourself together back there
pambeesly: sorry, sorry ;-)
pambeesly: so is this
jimhalpert: yeah?
pambeesly: when you said "date" you meant *date* right?
pambeesly: not like just a friendly date
pambeesly: I mean, it's okay if it's just a friendly date
jimhalpert: well, let's look at the circumstances, shall we?
pambeesly: okay
jimhalpert: I just sped all the way back from New York
jimhalpert: and ran into the building
pambeesly: you ran?
jimhalpert: well, briskly walked
jimhalpert: this is a new suit, you know ;-)
pambeesly: I see, it's nice
jimhalpert: anyway, I briskly walked in, had a slight panic attack when I saw you weren't at reception
jimhalpert: but then I heard you in the conference room and proceeded to barge in in the middle of your interview
jimhalpert: so, now I ask you
jimhalpert: what kind of date do you think it is?
jimhalpert: Miss Giggly
pambeesly: I'm sorry, I'm just nervous
pambeesly: and excited too
jimhalpert: well you're making me nervous
pambeesly: oh, c'mon, you have nothing to be nervous about
pambeesly: it's just me
jimhalpert: . . .and that's why I'm nervous
jimhalpert: okay, I need to find you some Ritalin or something
jimhalpert: because you're out of control
pambeesly: :-D
Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I had so much fun writing this, and I hope that I helped you pass the time this summer. A couple of these chapter were a bit of a stretch, so if you're interested in some of my thoughts as I was writing these or any of the chapters, please check out the footnotes in the
MTT Version. Right now, I'm going to call this series "Complete", but a S4 edition is very possible, so keep an eye out for it in Summer '08. Thanks again for reading, and please let me know what your think!