atomic_eyesTitle: 10 Lives not lived.
Characters/Pairing: Mostly Jim/Pam, some Jim/Karen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: TEN lives Jim Halpert never lived/could have lived.
Word Count: 2,857
Author's Notes: I wrote this for
thetenspot Which is a muse challenge community where I play Jim (ha and Michael and Dwight). In my little world Jim has a little sister named Jenny so that's whose referred to a little. (My Jim journal is
neededyoutoknow if you're curious). Anyways, the challenge was 10 lives you've never lived/could have lived. I loved my response a lot, lol, i'm modest clearly. So, I wanted to share with the fandom at large. Feedback is greatly appreciated.
Whoa now Beesley, don't get ahead of yourself. I said dinner, not date. I think you just can't handle your attraction to me.)