Title: Dwim Chronicles
killersharkyCharacters: Jim, Dwight
Disclaimer: I'm totally hot, I know, but that doesn't mean I want the phone numbers of NBC's lawyers. So this is just a reminder, lawyers, that I'm married and these characters aren't mine.
Rating: T
Summary: It's the little daily things between Jim and Dwight that make them frienemies.
Warnings: None.
Notes: My favorite couple on The Office is Jam and my second favorite is Dwim. That being said, these are NOT slash [sorry, slashers!]. So I present two friendly enemies and the sometimes cute things that occur between them. This is the beginning of this series, don't know if it'll have an end, and all chapters will have titles based on books. I don't know why, it's just because. These are all vignettes and I'll add more as inspiration strikes. Cross-posted on
Dwim and the Deathly Hallows; Dwim are From Mars, Women are From Venus