The Story of a Lost Bear.

Aug 04, 2012 19:36

Way back in the mists of time, I did a little pencil sketch in my notebook of a small, lost polar bear in a jacket. I christened him Nanook and envisaged him on a long journey home, somewhere a lot colder than Bristol.

I rather liked it, so I put some paint on it.

That would normally be the end of the story, but this turned out to be the beginning of something quite silly.

Based on my inane little painting, I made a little plush version of Nanook from felt and the scraps of fabric I had kicking about in my flat. I make a point of never throwing usable scraps away, so I end up with bags full of bits of cloth and fur.

However, Nanook’s story doesn’t end there, and this is were it gets a bit daft.

I felt that the little plush Nanook had a destiny beyond a shelf in my flat, so I decided to donate him to the ScotiaCon Charity auction. Since my boyfriend and I had foolishly decided to drive the 500 or so miles to Scotland, it gave me a great opportunity to document Nanook’s journey from Bristol to Inverness.

Thus, the stupid road trip was punctuated with a ridiculous quest to photograph Nanook in front of famous buildings and next to road signs. Those who follow me on twitter were treated to a blow-by-blow account of Nanook’s journey, and I was rather hoping that this providence might increase his value for the charity.

FatKraken won Nanook and she is going to continue Nanook’s journey with more photos on him on his travels. The silliness continues.

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