Dec 08, 2007 12:18
I might as well post about my birthday too. It was on the 6th, as usual. It's very prompt like that. And the beginning was awful, it took all my willpower not to cry during school, haha. Very sad. My two friends, Julia and David weren't even there, and even though I told them about my birthday like the day before they forgot all about it until Friday when it was mentioned that the day before was my birthday. I pretty much hate my birthday though, so it's alright. I always expect it to matter, but it never does. Julia had to go to Salt Lake with her sister that day. Which I guess was fine for her, but on my birthday I think I should be allowed to be selfish, so I was kind of sad about that. It made me feel unloved, which is kind of silly, but that's how it made me feel. David was gone because he had a root canal a few years ago and it just got infected or something which left him with tons of pain and dentist appointments. I guess that's a more legitimate reason, but it was still very disappointing. I was very mad at his mouth. The day before I sent him an email in the spur of the moment, with a lot of venting that sounded a lot meaner then it should have, because I was worried that he would not be at school for my birthday, which turned out justified, and also I don't want him to transfer out of history like he said he would and go into Geography, call me selfish but whatever, maps were invented so that we didn't have to take geography, but he did not know that that was what I was worried about, and I think overthought things and said "Wow, you can be really mean," so that made me feel guilty as well. And then I sent him another email to cover that email that probably made things a lot worse. I said many things that I regret far more then the possibly mean things. Like about the time that my mother was really freaky and told me that he had the grace of a gazelle. And about how my sister was an aspiring cannibal. So yeah, and he had basically no response to that, or something so he didn't email me back which made me think that he now hates me and my weirdo quirks and is wondering why on earth he ever started talking to me in the first place. So yeah, many not great emotions that morning. So I went to History and Drivers Ed. History was well history. My mother went down to the office and had them announce that it was my birthday, because I didn't want to tell everyone, because I think it sounds kind of conceited to say "Hey, today's my birthday," for some unfathomable reason. Mr. Blackham offered me an orange and when I said no thank you, he offered me some beef jerky, and when I said no thank you to that, he offered me a book off of his book shelf, that was kind of funny. Jake and Sariah told me happy birthday which was nice, and Megan said yay, which I guess was good or something, and then we took notes on Muslims which I really focused on because if I started thinking about other things I knew that I would burst into tears, which is not a good thing to do at all. Then after history I went to Drivers Ed, and we finished up this one group assignment where you had to have a partner. I'm like the only junior in that class so no one would be my partner, shocker. So I figured out a way to do them by myself, I basically made the ones that couldn't possibly be done partnerless up, which was bad of me, but whatever. For the last thing we had to do a girl offered to write down the times though, which made me feel like at least God loved me, so it wasn't too bad in the end. Then afterwards I waited in the parking lot for my parents for like fifteen minutes which made me think that they forgot. I am so paranoid. But they didn't, and so we went to Hunan City and had chinese food that was very very very good, and my mother informed me there that when she said that David had the grace of a gazelle she wanted to say wilderbeast, or giraffe, but thought that that would be too mean. It was interesting. Then we went to Walmart where I looked for a christmas present for Lula to no avail and also two white elephants because both my honors classes want to have a White Elephant gift exchange. I ended up buying dominoes. Oh and the special edition Princess Bride case is awesome. It's like the same backwards and frontwords. Just thought I'd mention that. Then we went home, and I typed up the notes I took in history and emailed them to David, and printed them out for Julia. Typing up notes is not my idea of a good birthday activity, but what can I say? I'm hopeless. Well at least Julia said thank you. She was very sad about something the next day it looked like she'd been crying. I didn't ask why though. I'm a horrid person. Then when like all my grandparents came over for pizza, David started IMing me. Telling me what horrible pain he was in and everything. That made me feel much better. Not about the pain, about the IMing. But it was difficult to maneuver from family to IMing and back so that neither group felt abandoned. Yeah, once again, I'm horrible. We had cake but I was still stuffed from Chinese food and instead just opted for the ice cream, and then I opened presents. My parents gave me the shirts that I'd picked out the day before, Heidi and Lula gave me a Kristin Chenoweth CD since I'm on a major Cheno kick right now. And it's pretty good. Very religious though. But that makes it a good Sunday cd so it's all good. I want to give the Joyful Joyful song to Sam for some reason. Holly gave me Music and Lyrics. Which makes me happy because it was a good romantic comedy as far as romantic comedies go. Scott didn't bother to show up, and my brother David thought that him actually being there was present enough. But oh well. My grandparents gave me this one solitaire marble game which I really like and twenty dollars which I really really like. My other grandma gave me a pin, which is cute but I'll probably never wear unfortunately, some perfume that does not smell very good, and a wallet with fifteen dollars. Oh and my aunt gave me soap. Then I played Munchkin with like six people, so by the end my birthday actually turned out much better then I expected.