
Sep 15, 2022 10:57

Finally some good news! We got 4 euploid embryos out of the 6 we sent for testing. And the best part is we got 2 girls and 2 boys! I’m so excited. I was so worried we’d only get one or two. To get 4 and get an even split on gender is just a miracle. It was exactly what I hoped for and I just expect disappointment at this point so to actually get what I want is just unbelievable.

I have my lining check tomorrow and hopefully that goes well. I’m worried it’ll be too thin and they’ll delay transfer. Which wouldn’t be the worst but I’m just so ready to get it done.

I’ve been so dragged down with fatigue. I feel like I’ve just been dragging since we started this whole IVF process. I don’t know if that’s just me or if it’s all the hormones. They say they do make you feel tired but idk. I just wish I didn’t feel so worn out all the time. And on top of that for some reason my sinuses have just been going insane. Constant pressure. I can hear them popping. I’m not stuffy but I’m snotty and nasally keep having headaches in between my eyes. I probably should go see a doc about it but I’m just over doctor appointments at this point. One thing at a time. I just want to get pregnant first.
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