Follicle farm

Aug 13, 2022 11:19

Injections have been going well. It was a little daunting at first to mix the menopur and deal with the weird rediject pen but it’s not bad now that I’ve done it a few times. The menopur still burns going in so I inject it super slow.

Had my first monitoring appointment, only 15 follicles on the right and 11 on the left. So a few more than last time but nothing crazy. They told me to keep at the same dose and come back Monday. So that’ll be day 7. I’m hoping I start blowing up with follicles lol. They say 10-14 days of stims so hopefully we start seeing some progress. It’s exciting to finally be getting going with all this.

Mom got here yesterday and she’ll be here for almost two weeks so that’s awesome. Takes the stress off of driving back and forth to all these appointments.

The weather suddenly turned super nice. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 60s. If it weren’t so far away from my family I’d love living here. I almost want to stay but I just hate not seeing my parents. I see my mom pretty regularly but my dad never comes up here. There’s so much up in the air about where we’re gonna be next year and what we’re gonna do. Chris could end up missing the damn birth of his baby. But I guess that happens all the time in the military. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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