
Jul 27, 2022 08:13

I think it kind of still hasn’t hit me that we’re doing IVF. I’m sure it will at some point. Maybe when I start the injections, maybe when we do retrieval.

I never expected to be one of these people. It never even crossed my mind. I just always assumed when I was ready to have kids it would just happen like it seemed to happen for everyone I knew. Nobody in my family ever had any trouble getting pregnant. Nobody (that I knew of) had a miscarriage or struggled in any way. Come to find out plenty of people did, they just don’t talk about it which a whole other issue in my opinion. But I’m the first one in my entire extended family to need IVF.

And the most frustrating part is we don’t even know why. Lots of other people know it’s because they have low ovarian reserve or low sperm count or whatever. We just have tried everything else and it hasn’t worked so here we are.

In a way I guess it’s a relief. This is probably going to work for us. I get a little worried because I see some people with unexplained infertility who have also flunked out of IVF. That’s scary and depressing. Not knowing why and trying everything you can and still not being able to get pregnant. I worry that’ll be me because I was worried during IUI that we’d end up having to do IVF and here we are. What if we try IVF and it doesn’t work? I try not to dwell on that thought, I’m definitely more positive. But it is there.

Mom got her plane ticket to come up for retrieval. Hopefully Chris won’t actually have to be gone. I’m ready to just get this going.
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