Sep 26, 2004 13:01
Its been such a relaxing weekend. My parents had parties on Friday & Saturday so they asked me to chose which day I wanted to babysit. I had already made plans for Friday so I figured I'd just stay in on Saturday. Naturally, I get a call Friday afternoon, J telling me we'd have to do it on Saturday cuz Oscar and him were going to San Diego. Argh. I had to call my mom and ask her if I could sit on Friday not Sat. Naturally, my sister had a party on Saturday. So in the end, my mom ended up missing her Saturday party.
We did go out, though. We met at the movies but nobody really felt like watching a movie so we went to Carls Jr. I <3 Carls Jr here, they have an air conditioned smoking section. I had some iced tea and a cookie. After a while there we went to the hookah lounge. Had two hookas, a tropical flavored and a grape flavored. Not by myself, I mean all of us. We stayed there for about three hours until it got a tad late and lots of flagrant bitches started arriving. We decided we all wanted to play for a bit so we went over to Llorenz's house for a little jammin. Ivan came over and whatnot. I had an espresso shot. Five minutes later I had a tequila shot. So fun. J made up the coolest little beat on Llorenz's bass and I just started singing whatever came up, so so funny. Then Oscar impressed us with his guitar skills. Such a talented young man. I came back around 3 and fell asleep.
We decided that for our next trolley trip I'm taking them to Hilcrest. They need to losen up about the "gayness", its sick. And we're taking A to the cheesecake factory.
Ugh. Sunday, bloody sunday. I dislike Sundays strongly. I hope this week is fun. My kids are playing Wish You Were Here tommorrow at their school assembly. AWwww. Too cute.