
Feb 04, 2004 20:53

:: how nintendo are you? ::

Put your mp3s on shuffle and list the first 20 songs that play: aka show off about what you listen to:

Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Queen - Innuendo
Indecision - higher side of low
Shai Hulud - Eating Bullets of acceptance
Hot Water Music - Our own way
Rachmaninoff - Adagio Sostenuto
Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
Cursive - Driftwood: A Fairy Tale
American nightmare - Postmark my compass
The Faint - Blank wave arcade
Leonard Cohen - The Future
Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance
The Mars Volta - Televators
David Bowie - Space Oddity
Strike Anywhere - Detonation
Bane - Ante Up
Carry On - The View
David Kitay - Theme from Ghost World
The Haunted - In Vein
Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal

1. 1st punk/HC show attended?
Renewal at King Size

2. Last show attended?
Madball, Terror, Skare Tactic and some other bands I didn't get in time to see last Friday.

3. Favorite punk/HC band ever?
Shai Hulud, H2O, Terror, Carry On

4. Are you straight-edge? How long? any sXe tattoos?
Yup, almost five years now. No tattoos and not planning on getting any.

5. Favorite era of punk/HC?
77 - 04

6. Favorite scene (time and location)?
Haven't a clue.

7. Worst scene?
Of the two or three I know? Portugal.

8. Most memorable show?
A bunch of them but the ones that I remember the best are the Terror show and the Shai Hulud show, both during the past two weeks. Boy Sets Fire In Stugard was really good also and a number of shows from Ieperfest also seem to come to mind: Darkest Hour, Caliban, Heaven Shall Burn, As Friends Rust.

9. Biggest live disappointment!
I have to go with Point Of No Return.

10. Best live punk/HC band?
Of the ones I've seen maybe Terror, Shai Hulud, Born From Pain, Boy Sets Fire, Darkest Hour, Stretch Arm Strong and Madball. It is way too hard to narrow that down any further.

11. Ever been in a band?
Yeah, a couple of them actually but I suck at everything musical so I just quit trying.

12. Best venue?
Coming from Portugal, pretty much any venue does the job for me. I would say that The Pound is really good but I'm pretty sure I've seens better venues.

13. Worst venue?
The Academies in Portugal.

14. When exactly did Walter S. lose it?
I don't care.

15. Do you own a record player?
Yes, I do.

16. Do you own any colored vinyl?
Not that many but I do have a few.

17. Been to a "fest"? Which one(s)?
Ieper Hardcore Festival and Hellfire Fest.

18. circle pit? mosh? kick box?

19. Belong to any crews?
I'm pretty much alright on my own.

20. Favorite punk/HC 'zines and/or websites?
www.asice.net, www.allschools.de, www.lambgoat.com

21. Old enough to remember the Krishna fad?
I don't think so. Not that I would notice anyway.

22. Young enough to be part of the Christian trend?
Not part of it but there's a bunch of that here.

23. a) Were you upset when Green Day signed to a major label?
I was probably thirteen or fourteen years old and listening to Limp Bizkit. Obviously not.
b) Jawbreaker?
Never payed much attention to them.
c) AFI?
Not really.

24. Whose side were you on?
a) Boston vs. NYC (circa early 80's)
Don't care.
b) HeartattaCk vs. Maximum RocknRoll?
Same as above.
c) Carry On vs. This Machine Kills?
Carry On.

25. Have you had sex with James Hart?

26. Do you remember when Johnny Pettibone was a greaser?
Certainly not.

27. Older vs. Newer?
Don't know their old stuff but from what I heard they're both good.
b) Throwdown?
c) Elliott?
Don't know.
d) Refused?
e) Sick Of It All?
f) Converge?

28. How did you get into punk/HC?
Read an interview with H2O and thought that was kinda cool. Then a bunch of my friends got into it and peer pressure did the rest.
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