Jul 30, 2005 08:57
So here I am. Got home last night and destined to leave in a few hours. I feel so dead! I need at least a 2 day break so I can RELAX and actually be home for a little while. Fair was fun. I actually made a friend this year so I was excited. Sarah and I didnt get to TP and we were really up set about that. But I am off to Spring Hill. For 2 weeks. And I MISS MEGAN ELIZABETH VALLEY and KELLY LYNN SANTO VERY BADLY! I haven't seen them in forever. And I miss Jeffrey Alan Sloan as well. This is going to be a long 2 weeks. I mean I love camp but I am going to miss my friends so much. But I will write!
If you guys want to write me, go to www.springhillcamps.com, there is a button that says "E-mail your camper". Click on it, then it will take you to this place that says Name: Social Security #: and Birthday Month: or something like that. Just put in Lauren Williams and the month is January. You dont HAVE to use my social security # and there is no way I am posting it on the internet. THen a little box will appear and you can write me! No one else will read it besides me and I will get it that day. So if your up to it...I love getting mail at camp. And I am there for 2 weeks so...lol. Talk to you all when I get home. Love and miss you guys.