Apr 22, 2006 16:06
"forever young" by youth group is a damn good song. the weather continues to be wonderful and the play count for "stickwitu" is 41. i have massive amounts of homework to do this weekend, but all i can do is wonder about things. i stayed up till one talking to lor last night. it was nice. a couple of times, i sinked into a state of just talking about things i've been thinking about for a while, but never said out loud. it's weird, because there's so much you just realize about yourself when you say it out loud. i realized that one of the most important relationships in my life is built around something i cannot define for the life of me. alas, it has lasted and here we are a year after i thought the world ended and we are still alive. and, seriously, this song is really good.
p.s. i love ultimate frisbee