
Mar 19, 2006 23:14

I am so freaking tired. This garage sale malarky really takes it out of you. Two full days of sitting, chatting and selling unwanted crap. Still an emotionally and lets not forget financially rewarding venture. Personal takings of about $400 and combined coop/elysefelix profits of about a grand, which is tops! Lots of stuff sold, I was very ( Read more... )

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oxymoronia March 20 2006, 04:33:30 UTC
:( I was looking forward to coming but I felt like squished bubbgle gum cos I was up until 3am the night before having a MASSIVE fight with my ex, the kind of the fight that ended up with me screaming and slamming the front door in his face. :(

Glad to hear the sale went well - whee, profit agalore!! I donated some unwanted stuff... hope it all got sold and went towards to making everyone happy :)


beancurdled March 20 2006, 08:34:05 UTC
andy? andy doesn't fight, does he? or did you see peter? <--came to the garage sale. i hid in the kitchen. i won't feel offended if you don't answer my questions in a public post - or at all.


oxymoronia March 21 2006, 03:15:42 UTC
Nope, I caught up with Peter yesterday and it was a shockingly civil (and pleasantly friendly) evening. It's very rare to see Andy getting upset, but he does from time to time. It was mostly my fault tho, he was being a bit unreasonable about the house but I overreacted. It'll work out eventually anyways, tell you more about it later :)


theobold March 20 2006, 13:02:16 UTC
Nah, that's OK. Elyse wanted to buy your kaftan, but didn't. Because it was stained...... Some of your stuff did get sold I remember. A house coat perhaps?


oxymoronia March 21 2006, 03:17:43 UTC
The white one? I got it from an op shop ages ago and it was already stained :-P That's why I don't like white stuff! If you guys haven't already organised the leftovers to be op-shopped/ditched, I'm happy to help out with that :)


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