The Good News: ROMMEL SIGHTED! The Bad News........

Aug 17, 2013 20:41

We've finally located an early edition of 'INFANTRY ATTACKS!', the first published work by then Oberstleutnant Erwin Rommel. I'm eager to assess its condition.
Ah, yes, The Bad News: the bookstore where I've worked since April is closing as of Labor Day. It's both a frustration and a relief, because things have been on tenterhooks around the place owing to quote financial irregularities unquote. My employer has become a close, valued friend; it's been enormously difficult watching her go through emotional ups and downs as another partner made endless excuses for money shortfalls and outright disappearances of cash. My boss's Ba'hai faith has sustained her; my faith in her has sustained me---and I refuse to believe that it was misplaced.
So: onward from here...
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