Life sucks

Nov 07, 2007 10:44

Found out my Mom was let go today from her job. She had been with this company for 20 years, and they had even gathered everyone in her office to congratulate her on the achievement just a few months back. She recently had back surgery, and was out for several weeks, and all she worried about was getting laid off. She even went to work, while still loaded on drugs (risking her life to get there) just because she was so concerned. She wasn't even back a month. It's cruel how companies today have the "disposable employee" attitude. She did work in the housing market, which isn't the best at this time. My life sucks too. Work is a complete mystery to me right now. I am going to be transferred over to a full employee, which makes me happy, but the team I am joining is potentially going to jump from 3 to 6 people. Not sure what to think of that. A year ago, when we were beginning the merge process of my company with this big corporation, I heard about them forcing the 4 people in my potentially new job to reapply for their jobs, but only 3 jobs were available. I am concerned they will do this again. My girlfriend moved out, and that is going downhill. While I am not exactly sad with the direction, it still causes me stress. Sometimes, I wish I could just throw life away and start somewhere new.
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