Laying in her bed, she could hear Leo quietly playing in his crib and she just thought about all the things she missed over the years. It wasn't often she let herself think backwards any more. She had so much to look forward too and looking back just made her want things that couldn't be had
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Well, he could move back to Olympus tomorrow...Today was for catching up with old friends.
"Not really my holiday and all, but hey...Candy is candy, right?"
Smiling he kissed her cheek and held up a basket, "for the rug-rat..."
"Mes!" Letting his mommy pick him up, Leo gave Hermes his full attention.
"This is the brilliant little man who you saw get born Hermes."
Maybe, he was just imagining the kid was speaking.
"Yeah..." His big brown eyes were still fixated on Hermes, "ous ice."
"This, normal?" not that he, was against was just odd to him.
"I should have brought books..."
Putting Leo on the floor, she watched him crawl over to Hermes and pull himself up so that he was standing next to him, holding onto his legs. "He's almost got the alphabet down. At least to move the blocks with the letters on them. He can't say it all yet."
Hermes didn't know what else to say to it.
"It's like having a bunch of mini-mes" he joked, as he looked down at Leo, "I never met Smith's daughter...I suppose I should have."
"Mini-what?" Okay, so she looked a little confused, "Just very smart. There is a school for children like him, but I don't want to send him there. I guess it's just selfish."
He bent down and took Leo into his arms, as he smiled at Theo, "They teach them more than just letters and numbers...they teach them how to deal with people..."
"Perhaps it's just selfish of me, but he's too young to be going there yet. And I got him someone to teach him." Grinning, "And that little man in your arms has learned the word why, recently. He's been driving his teacher nuts."
She couldn't help but smile at the two of them, Hermes looked good holding Leo in his arms, "Did I ever tell you what his second name is?"
But at the question concerning the middle name, Hermes shook his head and eyed her carefully.
"No, you didn't...And if it is Munch, I'll never speak to you again."
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