If you could find out one single fact about every person you met, what fact would you want to know,

Sep 18, 2020 04:29

"The one thing I like to know about everyone that I have met? Will you fuck me over at any point in time.

Why? Because I'm sick and fucking tired of people turning on me, of people treating me like a bag of shit and tossing me to the curb and most of all, I want to be able to trust someone without knowing that they're probably going to turn on me some day.

I am a strong woman and I am willing to fight for what I believe is mine, but really, should a person have to look over their shoulder every few minutes? I don't think so. The one time I decided not to do that, the person I did trust tried to kill me. And he ate my bird. ATE it! I liked that bird.

I want to know to know if I can trust someone to work with me without screwing me over. Is that to much to fucking ask?

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