Feb 06, 2006 16:04
I got to play reporter today. Or at least take notes and ask Q's at a Press Conference today the National Press Club.
It was interesting - about 85% of it was in English and the other fifteen percent in spanish. I went as a favor for a lobbyist friend of mine and didn't think much of it until other reporters were like "hi!" and asking for some of my notes. The 3 standing near me all asked me who I was with, I said that "I just blog."
Which was funny, because another then said she thought I work for The Hill, because I had a copy of their paper.
But I figure - I do all this writing all the time for work which gets publish in fact sheet format or passed off as an anonymous e-mail alert or submitted somewhere in the draconian pages of legislation that is never used- That it would be fun to write as a journalist for a living..............