(no subject)

Jan 02, 2009 22:48

as of today I AM OFFICIALLY 18.

i feel kind of awesome, though in actuality, nothing has really changed. gotta say though, the beginning of the day sucked. so. badly. to sum it up, it involved the RMV, not getting a photo ID needed to go to florida next week, long lines, and numerous rescheduling of going to see a movie with my friends which i'd planned on all week. it was awful. and my friend accidentally spoiled my surprise party tomorrow and while i'm not at angry with her, i'm still a bit disappointed. i love surprises! but then she felt so bad she wasn't even gonna come to the party but she's one of my best friends so i wanted her there and blahblahblah. bad day.

but from like, 4:00PM on, the day was awesome. i saw the curious case of benjamin button with 3 of my closest friends and my sister (awesome movie btw), ate far too much popcorn and skittles, and then went out to eat with my parents at t.g.i. fridays. i actually totally forgot about how shitty the day had been completely when i was watching the movie. :3 so all in all, good birthday.

real life: my birthday, people: aja

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