Jan 11, 2005 22:14
i miss a lot of people. this job is taking up just about all of my time. and having no car doesn't help much. i hope to catch up on lost time with many friends. the word on the street is that there's going to be a hot deal on a '94 Civic in the paper tomorrow. only $400?!?! what?! wow, all of you should check it out, hell, you should just buy it. i've narrowed my choices of the new vehical to four: Acura, Jeep Grand Cheroke, Toytoa Tacoma/Tundra, or another Honda. really, that's not narrowing anything down. that's just what i want. i think i'll end up with an Acura though. i'm leaning more towards that. ah, who knows?
so, what's new? nadda. just working, and wasting my time on the weekends. this past weekend was nice. it was good to see Colton and Tim again. i know that sounds horrible, but I've been out of town, and busy with work and all that jazz. sorry fellas. like i said, it'll all change very soon. buy my car and it'll happen a lot sooner. my life is filled with such excitement. and The Unicorns broke up..poop.