May 25, 2005 23:36
i want to learn to play the harmonica.
it's funny the things you forget, the things you take for granted. coffee houses are nice steps outside of my idea of what qe is. i forget that the people milling about me lead lives of their own, they're talented people and i never think that these strangers i pass everyday could have anything to offer me. it's stupid to think that everyone around you is like an extra on the movie set that is your life but sometimes it feels that way.
there are certain people that baffle me when i see them with i-pods. why do they have one and i dont? honestly, what do aaron and xander listen to? i'd be interested in knowing. one time i caught xander listening to gloria gaynor's 'i will survive' but hundreds of xander and aaron selected songs - what could that entail? i think the lionstale should investigate. kind of like a streeter for i-pods. everytime you see someone listening to their i-pod you ask what they're listening to and we compile a list of all the randoms.
very basic but this experiment could fail miserably.
why am i addicted to spider solitaire?
i want to learn to play the drums and be the female halfsie counterpart to dave hung. perhaps another bad experiment.
i own the first season of scrubs. twenty-four episodes of zach braff. it almost seems too good to be true.