Mar 07, 2005 21:15
"I was thinking, you might wanna make it friends-only (only people who you list as a friend can read it) just cuz... knowing your luck... someone who you dont want to read it might just do so."
quoted from the first comment from the first entry of megan seto's livejournal. ha. now that was ironic to read. probably would've been more ironic were i mosher. or as she calls him 'moser'. i now see how very, very annoying it is when random asian girls constantly refer to him. i apologize.
unrelenting asian rage. he's just such a charmer.
so close to march break. just what i believe everyone needs. one ballet exam, one physics test down (both of which i'd like to pretend never happened and i never want to receive marks for) and a bio and chem test left to go. and a physics lab.
damn physics. were it not for seto this would've been a virtually joyless day.