as of november 13th, 765 is one month old! already!
to see one month in laura's life and my life,
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one of my favourites:
since i'm not going to school anymore, and since i haven't been in a week, i've been feeling pretty stagnant. really, the only times i move are to cook something or to take my 765 picture. this is just ridiculous. i sit on my couch refreshing livejournal and i knit things that just get thrown on my table or into my knitting bag. i feel this overwhelming need to create, but i never do. so i want to start doing that again. i want to make stuff every day. i want to challenge myself and get back to creating things for myself. i need to find that part of me that school kind of crushed. i also need to figure out where to put my hamlet tattoo. im going to get three tattoos next year because i will have a job. first i wrote "if i have a job", but it's not an if anymore. it can't be an if because i have to get going on this thing. i have to not live in a bubble in my house if i want to get my own place. things aren't just going to fall into my lap like they have in the past. i have to stop waking up at 3pm. i have to stop being a baby. tomorrow i am going to get rid of a lot of my clothes.
What would you rather be doing right now? sleeping under my heated blanket
Do you enjoy your job? i would like a job
Ikea or Pottery Barn? oh this is hard. i've never even been to either store irl though D:
1 CD that has influenced you in a profound way? hissing fauna
1 Book that has influenced you in a profound way? less than zero. actually, more profoundly - confessions of an ugly stepsister. i think both books helped me to "find myself" in different ways.
Name one celebrity you just can't stand. i can't think of any.
Name one celebrity you totally lust after. hmm
What is your T.V. guilty pleasure? i watch Bringing Home Baby almost every day.
The one concert you would pay any amount of money for? i already paid a lot for of montreal.
Name one thing you have done that has been completely out of character? nothing i do is out of character because my character is all over the place.
You go to a bar..what's the first thing you order? whiskey sour or cherry whiskey.
Rough and Nasty...or Soft and Slow? they are best combined
Name one TV show that is most like your own life? sheldon from the big bang theory and i are almost the same person
Name one way you would like to better the world? i would like everyone to get over themselves. you hear me, graphic design industry. stfu.
Do you still talk to your ex(es)? no
Who is your favorite comedian? i am in love with ellen
The last concert you went to? of montreal<3
Your favorite song at this moment? always Women's Studies Victims
What is the best movie you have seen in the last year? i probably should have kept up with listing all of the movies i watch...dan and i watched hedwig the other week. that will always be my favourite.
You could go anywhere for dinner tonight, where would it be? i kind of want taco bell.
Would you cheat if you knew you would never get caught? no
Suggest a good book. no. i dont like people reading books i like unless i physically force the book onto them.
What do people say is your best physical attribute? people tend to like my hair.
What is your most favorite cologne/perfume? no.
What is your most favorite song to dance to? i do this weird sort of robot thing to most songs.
When are you the horniest? In the morning or at night? =O
Tell us one secret about yourself. im the biggest hypochondriac ever
Are you still friends with your first love? n/a
Name one regret. i regret gaining 10lbs this year. it wasn't an accident or anything. last fall i was like, "fuck you diet food commercials and your unattainable bodies and guilting women into eating flavourless crap" and i just ate whatever whenever for a few months and then i was like, "wow what was i thinking" and i cannot get my old weight back :(
Do you think you need therapy? probably