Permission and Stats meme + Canon notes

Jan 29, 2007 20:23

Age: 21
Height: I'd guess about 5'8"-ish.
Weight: Average.
Medical Info: Nothing out of the ordinary.
Eyes: Kind of a pale purple.
Hair: Long and silver, usually up despite it being down in most of my icons.

Physical traits: Quite a muscular build, and a nice hourglass figure. Might have a few battle scars here and there. Usually, you'll find her walking round wearing her armour. She has a symbol on her hand somewhat like a tatoo which I will link to when LJ stops being a hor and lets me upload the damn pictures. :<

What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Pretty much anything, but if you bring up something she doesn't want to talk about, she won't answer.

Abilities: Chris is pretty damn good with a sword, and also has the True Water Rune which allows her to use what is mostly healing magic. Powerful healing magic. Manga-wise, she canonically, she heals the wounds of an entire army. Go Chris.

Notes for the Psychics: What you see is what you get, mostly. Chris isn't one to lie or mince words, unless there's a reason for it. However, somewhere around the border of her concious and subconcious, we get the Rune. The Rune holds memories of all it's previous bearers, and somewhere there are two sets of memories that are the same, but from different perspectives. These are Chris's and her father's memories of some of the time they spent together.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Go ahead! I prefer to know in advance, but unless it's something that could potentially create issues I don't imagine I'll be particularly insistent.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: OK by me, although hugging her when she's wearing the armour ay be a little uncomfortable.
Maim/Murder/Death: No, no, and no. Unless I've approached you and given the ok. You can ask, of course, but likely that will be the answer. Minor injuries are ok though.
Cooking: I'm, uh, not sure. I'm fairly certain that she's had people cooking for her for most of her life, so she wouldn't have had much of a chance to practice. I'd imagine she's not incompetent, but not particularly good either.

Notes on canon: Although I'm playing Chris primarily from the game, I'm taking Chris from after the Luc batorru in the manga. This is purely because I- uh- haven't actually finished the game yet, and won't be able to until I manage to get my US PS2 fixed, which may take serveral months. :< Once I finish the game, Chris's memory may magically change depending on wether or not I decide it will affect anything. Feel free to ask me anything about what Chris has or hasn't experienced.
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