Log: Chastising a Girlthing

Mar 09, 2009 20:46


*so, is in her room. Unhappily. Sulking. Good luck, Cleeg.*

*well, does worry about her, she's so ickle and naive and things, might just go looking for her and probably knows her room because of Irisse. knocks?*

*Oh! a person. Hmm. She gets up and opens the door* Hello...Tyelko? *eyebrow*

...*blinks a little, kind of awkwards* ...Princess. *slight inclination of his head*

...How are you doing, Sir? *uuuhhh why are you here? can you help me out of this mess?*

...well enough, thank you. *god why this so awkward* ...yourself?

*probably because she has bitchface on* ...I'm all right. Would you like to come in? *has to be ~polite~*

*yeah he's noticed and is frowning a bit* ...if you like. What's bothering you? *has never been good at that 'subtle' thing*

*Oh :|* Um...things. *a shrug*

....things. *:| evenly*


That's quite specific. *still even, is used to digging things out of extremely reticent brothers*

Yes, well. *a sigh* ...I'm stuck here. In this room. Thanks to...thanks to /Niko/. *:||||||||||||||*

.....*okay is going to step inside and shut the door, leaning on it and frowning* Why? *because Niko seems sensible, so*

...Because he's dull. Boring, I mean. And he acts like he's my father. *:|*

Somehow I doubt that's it. Why?

*she gives him more bitchface* ...I said things I should not have said.

*is not quailing!* Oh?


What kind of things?

*her mouth twists* ...Things. You know. *handwave*

No, I don't. What kind of things? *frowning more, eyes narrowed at her a little*

*ghfdjhgjdfhgf* Um. I met a woman.

A woman. *okay is not liking where this is going but still calm*

Yes. And I talked to her.

What woman?

*ohhhhhhshit* *in a small voice, sort of off-handedly* Melisande.

*okay that's tense. still leaning against the wall though his eyes are a lot more intent now* What did you talk to her about?

Things. Robin. *quietly* I agreed to do something I shouldn't have. But Phedre's helping me, so it'll be all right. I think. *shit shit shit*

*straightens* Then he was right to keep you here. *tightly* Agreed to do what?

*:|* Spy. It was wrong of me.

*well /shit/* ....spy. *flat. flat flat flat* ....does she know your room?

...I...I don't know. *didn't think about that aghhhhhhh* I'm sorry! I--it was wrong of me! *panicky now*

You don't know. *paces a few steps, uneasy* Yes, it was, and stupid, but it's too late for that now. You have no idea if she knows where you are?

*shakes her head, tearful now*

Then you need to move. Quietly.



Where to?

Another room in another part of the Mansion.

...But I would need help...

Then someone will help you. Not me. Someone less visible. *pacing again, agitated*

.../Who/? *yeah, is worried*

*thinking* Who can you think of that you trust?

Um...Niko, I suppose. *but is annoyed with him!*

And does /she/ know him?

...I don't know. I don't think so?

*nods tensely* Then I'll speak to him about that. And until then you will keep your door locked and /stay here./ Do not open your door before you're sure who stands there. Do

you understand?

*she nods, shaking a little* All right. Thank you, sir.

Good. *firmly* I'll be talking to Niko. Soon.

*more nods* Yes. *quietly* Thank you, again.

You're welcome. I won't have /her/ near you.

...You mean you care? *haven't felt that recently, she thinks*

The woman's dangerous. I don't want you killed for matters that don't concern you.

...And for matters...that /do/ concern me?

That either.

*another nod, and she looks down* Yes.

*almost just says 'good girl' but nods tersely still tense*

...I'm sorry, again. I'm...I'm stupid, sometimes. I really am.

*sighs, exasperated, can't exactly scold her for being stupid* Just.../try/ to think more.

I will.

Thank you.

...I'll see you...sometime, then?

*nods* Not too soon, though. She knows who I am and I'd rather there were as few connections as possible.

Yes, of course. I don't want....I don't want anyone to get hurt.

*nods, briefly, wondering if he should tell Irisse to stay away* Just - *headjerk* ...what does she know?

...*thinking*...She knows...about Robin. That's it. I didn't tell her anything else--Phedre rescued me before that.

Who is Phedre?

My friend. She knew Melisande, from her homeland.

...and you're /certain/ there's nothing else...she didn't say anything to you of her - plans...

...She told me she wanted to keep track of the elves. *:|*

.....*oh /god/ no* *okay, swears violently in Quenya and might just kind of hit a fist against a wall* I'll have to find her. *quickly. dammmmit*

*sort of frightened* I'm sorry...I...

Did you think at /all?/ *is...sorry, Iphi, just had to deal with fighting with the Ring and now Mel's after his family again*

*looks down*...No. I was upset.

*yes, well, so am I* /Wonderful./

*makes a face again at him*

*turns and glares at her* Don't make that face at me. Are you /aware/ how many lives you may have placed in danger?

..I'm not an idiot. I /know/. And I feel dumb enough already. No need to rub it in. *>:|*

Look, I know what it's like to feel stupid, and sometimes it's not enough to prevent it from happening again. So let me be clear. Next time someone tells you to spy on my

family, no matter how you phrase it, /tell them no./ /That/ I hope you can remember.

Yes. I can. *nodnod*

*frustrated noise* /Good./ ...I'm going looking for Niko. /Please/ try to avoid talking to *treacherous bitches* /dangerous people/ for a little while.

...I'll be stuck here, so. *helpless shrug*

Just making sure. *sorry, Iphi. really. turns for the door* I think it would be best if Irisse didn't visit you for a time.

*a sad sigh--she loves seeing Irisse* Yes, you're probably right. I'm sorry, again.

*sigh* Hopefully soon this will be set right again.

Yes, hopefully. *is going to sulk for a few hours, now, if you don't mind*

*will be leaving! and unhappy. yesss.*

*sulk sulk sulk*

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