Log: Those we love hurt us the most.

Nov 29, 2008 11:54

*is going to - make it out of Irisse's room and manage down the hallway sturdily, but a - crack in his face and then - finds the nearest empty room, stumbles inside, and is going to melt into a heap on the floor and curl up and try to be very quiet about crazyshakingflailcry*

*will be walking down the hallway and pass that room, and hear a sound...quietly pushes the door open and looks in, sees Tyelko. hesitantly moves forward to kneel by his cousin and put a hand on his shoulder*

*jerk twitch shudder, half pulls away with an incoherent little noise - then realises who it is and goes a little limp, trying to get control of himself. it's not working. so much.*

*a soft quieting sound, moving to try to gather Tyelko into his arms to hug him tightly, because whatever the issues just /can't/ leave a cousin in that condition*

*yeah, gives up on the control and might -kind of cling, a little bit. shuddering. it's been there all day waiting and it's really fallen on him like a brick wall now.*

*holds him tight, rubbing his back and murmuring reassurances, doesn't know what happened to leave him in this condition but knows it must have been bad*

*closes his eyes tightly and is going to stay close to the Finrodcousin because maybe - hears something and tenses, head half-turning* What-

*still holding tight, looks up and looks around for whatever Tyelko heard* What did you hear?

I don't - I don't know. *a bit shakily* --sorry.

It's alright. *soothingly, still holding tight. wonders if he should ask what happened*

*closes his eyes, face tightening* I don't know. *shifts to just adjust how he's holding onto Finrod really*

*holds tight, a little protective, maybe reminded of looking after younger cousins a long time ago.*

*yeah, is not feeling like an older cousin right now :\* Findarato - *stops* I can't - she can't know.

I won't tell her. *still soothingly and rubbing Tyelko's back to calm him*

*lets out a relieved, shuddery breath* Thank you.

You're welcome.

Just - don't want her to have to deal with - this. *me. baagh*

I won't tell her. *trying to reassure, still holding close*

That's - thanks. Good. Been - bad enough. *slight shudder, but a little less, seems to be calming a bit*

We should get you back to your room.

My - what? ---oh. Right.

*gentle, slightly sad smile* Come on, lets go. *shifts to help him up*

*blink frown at the smile a little, but makes an effort to get to his feet on his own*

*will let him stand on his own if he likes, but will keep himself in a place where he can catch him or support him if he needs it*

*is going to make it on his own dammit :\ even if using the wall*

*will be staying close anyway, because you look /awful/ Tyelko*

*aww man it shows? manages to get to his feet and kind of forgets what he was going to do when he got there, hesitation*

*puts a hand lightly on Tyelko's shoulder* Come on, lets go.

*blink right, focus* --all right.

*keeps a close eye on him as they go*

*can walk fine, at least. might be wandering a little mentally, though. does that.*

*will be keeping a close eye on him for that anyway*

*starts lagging a bit, eyes downcast. it just feels good to check out okay :\*

*will let him move at his own pace, just as long as he keeps moving*

*is moving, but does come back and blink a little disoriented a moment before moving to catch up* *opens his mouth to ask something and then decides against it*

*wonders what he was going to ask, but won't press. just working to get him safely into the room.*

*isn't going to detour anymore. just kind of following Finrod, really*

*will get him into his room then, door closedbehind them*

*glances at the door almost worriedly but it's probably okay, decides. looks around, a bit lost* --what's - *gives up on that with a little headshake, trying to focus again, why is this all so /hard/*

*well, doesn't want Ar or her brother coming across him like this, does he?* What?

*doesn't, not really* Nothing. *just confused, in general* --thank you. *figures that works*

*slight nod* You're welcome.

*manages to get a little focus* --and sorry. For the trouble.

It's fine. You look like you should get some rest.

*flicker of maybenervous* --rest. *that's sleep and sleep isn't always good.*

Aren't you tired?

Yes, but - *huddles a little*

Rest. *a little more forcefully, not going to let him not, but then he softens a little* I'll stay, and wake you if you dream.

*almost flinch* --oh. A - *wait, focuslook at him* --you have other things to do. *don't you?*

Not much, it can wait.

Oh. *if you're sure? pause*

*nods* Get some rest.

All right. *gives up, is just going to go and curl up and sleep. is too tired to do anything else.* *...typist had a bad thought*

*sits next to the bed, silently thoughtful, keeping an eye on him for bad dreams* *what sooort of bad thought?*

*Tyelko has dreams about a Finrod dying. sometimes. :|*


*>:D should take that as a yes?*

*yes please*

*manages a quiet sleep for a while, but evil typists don't leave things alone* *stirs* ---no. Please.

Tyelko? *concerned, reaches to touch his shoulder to try to wake him*

*stiffens, pulling away* --/no not him/ - Findarato - Eru - /please/- /I will not/ - /Findarato- the wolves/- *almost desperately*

*freezes, hand barely touching Tyelko's shoulder, not quite sure he's really hearing what he's hearing, then he takes a deeper breath and shakes Tyelko's shoulder sharply, more determined to wake him up* /Tyelko/!

*jerks* /No/- *almost gasped and then he starts up, breathing hard and staring a little*

*no wonder he didn't want to sleep!* Tyelko, I'm here, are you alright?

*yeah, really kind of hates sleep* *catches his breath and closes his eyes* --yes. *sort of. maybe.*

Are you sure? *very concerned, especially after hearing what he was saying in his sleep*

*hesitates, no, but can't /say/ that* *looks at him and almost a bit of relieved*

*notices the hesitation, but really doesn't want to ask* Do you think you could sleep I - maybe. I don't know. Yes. *I could. just.*

*gives his shoulder a comforting squeeze, more sympathetic. he's had his own share of nightmares over it, he wouldn't want anyone else to suffer through them. even Tyelko. ...well, maybe Kurvo.*

Why don't you try.

*almost relaxes a little for the touch. he's there, okay, he's alive. right. not. being eaten by wolves.* --all right.

Get some sleep. I'll be here. *very much alive and not eaten by wolves, yes*

*a little nod and just kind of collapses back into sleeping. is really exhausted.*

*after a while once he's sure that Tyelko's asleep, will hum quietly, maybe sing a little, just something to give him something to hold onto in his sleep to maybe fend off the dreams*

*it does help, subconsciously that at least keeping him out of darker areas. something to follow other than the spirals down.*

*will keep it up then, and will stay there, sitting next to the bed and staring out the window as he sings quietly, anything he can think of that would have good connotations.*

*aww, Finrod, you are a good cousin. it's just good Tyelko doesn't know what you're doing. it would confuse him. lots.* *might stir a bit and almost murmur something*

*looks back at him when he murmurs and the quiet singing trails back into humming.*

*doesn't seem to be waking, though he might be curled up a little less, a little less completely tense*

*a bit relieved of that, continues humming to the melody of one of the songs he was singing earlier*

*might actually sleep largely soundly. tenses a couple of times, face darkening, but doesn't speak again*

*since he's staying asleep, begins singing again, still quiet, still choosing songs that would help drive off the nightmares*

*and it really does help. probably making nightmareless sleep number two since coming back, including puppysleeping*

*aww, Tyelko. glad he could help*

[23:07] *yep. good cousin. nodnod.*

*and they'll probably stay like that until Tyelko wakes up again on his own?*

*oh probably* *will wake up, though, stir tiredly and stretch, opening one eye and a moment of confused surprise and then - remembers* --what time is it?

*tells him a time probably a few good solid hours after he fell asleep* Are you feeling any better?

--yes. *does, actually, even to his own surprise. and a little surprised he slept that long* I don't - *takes a breath* Did I dream? *again?*

Not that I noticed, after the first time.

*slight surprise* --oh. Good. *hauls himself up, sitting at least, stretches a bit, just a bit of wince for a couple Fingonbruises*

Good. *leans forward, hands clasped with elbows on his knees, still watching him* What happened? *meaning to make him like he found him*

*slight tense pause, almost just goes with the automatic answer. but figures he owes him more than that* Just - speaking. With Irisse.

It went badly?

She was --- *gives up on that. grimace* Yes.

What about?

She's...unhappy with me.

I'd gathered that.

*looks down a little*It's - it'll be all right.

*nods slightly* If you're sure. *still wonders what happened, but not sure how much he should press*

I just - she can't see - that. *almost a touch of self-disgust, tries to keep it away, though* *shakes himself* I'm sure.

...What can't she see?

*draws up his shoulders a bit* *what you saw. how broken I am.*

...She won't see it, or you don't want her to see it?

I - don't want her to. *tensely*

I wont tell her.

Thank you. *relieved, a bit*

epic fail

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