Destro on my Desk

Aug 22, 2007 10:01

In the 1980's, I was the biggest GI Joe freak around.  I had all the toys and watched all the cartoons.  So naturally, when I went birthday shopping for a nephew the other day, I was psyched to find a full length Destro action figure.  He's a Sigma 6 edition, seen here:

Ok, so I'm willing  to admit that its stuff like this that probably keeps me from getting ass.  But I mean, come on, its a reminder of being a kid.  He comes with a brief case with a computer and illegal counterfeit money inside, and then the top pulls out into an uzi.

Can you picture it?  Destro is just walking down the street, maybe going to an important business meeting, some GI Joes hassle him, so he pops his briefcase uzi out.  He also comes with a rocket launcher and the big shiny cobra medallion necklace.  And his head is super shiny.

I originally was going to get this for my nephew, but then I said to myself, kids today don't know anything about GI Joe!  He's not going to appreciate this!  So I got the nephew a transformer  potato head (optimash prime) and got myself Destro instead.

So now Destro guards my desk, waiting to blast any and all intruders.  I'm kind of worried that he may get into some hijinx while I'm not looking.  He is an international arms dealer and the second in command of Cobra, of course

I  think I may have to go back and get  a Duke, just to keep an eye on Destro.   Either that, or I may have to get the Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow pack.

He's already demanded that I get him the Baroness action figure to keep him company.

And yes, I did take Destro out of the box.  I've already had people tell me that if I'd of held onto him until I'm 85 in the box, I could sell him and be a zillionaire (I was surprised to find him, he is a rare  find because he's popular)...but you know what, how the heck else am i supposed to play with the collapsible brief  case uzi if it's still in the box?

Hell yeah, all the ladies go crazy for this shiznitty.

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