Fandom Crossing Meme :) - Revealed :)

May 27, 2010 21:48

Meme stolen from femaleshinigami.

I decided to post it here insted of personal journal, because a) it's kind of writing meme b) I bet my flist is sick of my memes already. :P


1) Pick a fandom, that you are most comfortable with (or your favourite one)
2) Now, choose 10 different fandoms you are fammiliar with (you don't need to participate in them, just know them).
3) Now, cross the first fandom with the 10 you chose, and write short snipets (or doodle/draw something for the artisticly inclined) that show it.
4) There aren't any rules. But make sure you are not too obvious. Try to avoid using characters from the '10 fandoms', but put the characters from your first fandom into the world and situations of the choosen fandom to cross it with. Be creative! Be vague! Use quotes, or small details as clues!
5) Now post it, but DO NOT REVEAL THE 10 CHOSEN FANDOMS! Just the first, main fandom, and make your f-list guess the rest!
6) There is no tagging rule. There is no words limit. Just have fun! :)

My chosen fandom is Supernatural. And here are the ten pretty much drabbles that are the effects of crossing! :)

EDIT: I'm posting the answers now that you tried your guessing and I wanna share XD


Dean moved the papers laying on his desk around, trying to find something hidden in the piles of weirdness, bureaucracy and occasional porn. Finally he straightened Sam's picture and gave up on his search for the latest issue of Ash's super secret magazine.

"Agent Winchester?" a man standing in the door asked tentatively and Dean met his flat, blue gaze with raised eyebrows. "My name is Castiel Novak, I was assigned as your new partner. I'm very thrilled to be working with you."

Dean snorted. "I just bet you are."


This was an absolute and total disaster. If Dean was ever going to find out about this - and lets face it, there was no way he could hide it from Dean - Sam would be mocked for the rest of his life. He was so very, very dead. He hid his face in his hands and groaned.

"Awww, big, mean jock is scared of being seen with freaks?" mocked Gabriel, sitting next to Sam who could only glare. "Oh, now, none of that, puppy boy. You didn't come here to play the macho, but to shake your ass and use your, apparently spectacular, voice chords. I've heard we're starting with Bon Jovi."

Sam's face fell back into his hands. He was so not going to live through this.


Castiel took a deep breath and started walking towards the bad guy he was supposed to charm and lure into a false sense of security. In his thoughts he cursed Jo again for leaving the group.

"Just remember, Cas. You're the bait. No hurting or freaking out the guy, you here me?" said Dean's voice in Castiel's ear.

Castiel just sighed.

"Next time we send Sam."

"Sure, as soon as you figure out how to work his computer." promised Dean and Castiel groaned quietly, before smiling brightly and moving on to their mark.

~04:White Collar~

"Cas... It's a clear message, I know this kid! Come on, I need to find Sam!"

"You are not moving anywhere," repeated Castiel sternly. "You will move and I will know about it. I will hunt you down again, you know it. I took you out of prison and I can toss you back in."

~05:United States of Tara~

There was this frown between Sam's eyebrows that Dean knew all too well. He swore under his breath, this wasn't time for this shit. He could see Sam struggling to not transition and could hope he’d manage to keep it together.

"Sam, come on. I know, it sucks. But you need to stay with me, okay? Sam?" Sam closed his eyes and wasn't responding, gripping the kitchen table tightly. "Sam?!"

"Now, Dean," said the other man in the higher than usual tone, already moving around the kitchen and tying the apron around himself. "This is not the time nor place to be screaming like that, now is it?"

"Oh, fuck, Madge. Not now."

"No, no, Dean-o! FUDGE!"

~06:Harry Potter~

No matter what Dean said, Sam wasn't a nerd. Yes, he liked to study. But he managed to find friends who also did, so it wasn't so much of a problem. Unfortunately, because of Dean, he also met other people, and not just his brother’s friends. Actually, it was pretty much the whole school. And some of those people were not so pleasant. And they just loved playing jokes on nerds. Or people who they wrongly assumed were nerds. Like Sam, who was not a nerd, he just liked to read. A lot. He even had a T-shirt that stated so.

Gabriel flopped in a chair opposite him and Sam took a deep, calming breath.

"Can't you just leave me alone?!"

"Nah, now where's the fun in that? And from whom would I steal my essays?"

Sam had finally had enough. Nerd or not, he could fight his battles. Unfortunately, Gabriel didn't seem overly impressed.

"Wow, is it just your wand pointed at me, or are you so happy to see me?"

~07:Gundam Wing~

Castiel woke up groaning in pain. That came as a surprise. Not the pain, not really. But the fact that he woke up at all.

"Oh," said Jo flatly. "You've finally decided to join the land of living. Good. Dean was freaking out."

Castiel frowned at her. She seemed much less friendly towards him than she was before. She walked closer and pointed at one of his arms, that was not bandaged.

"Does that hurt a lot?" She asked and Castiel shook his head. She pinched him hard and he yelped in painful surprise. "Next time you want to play the hero? Try to stop before actually exploding yourself!"

She left the room in quick, angry steps.

~08:South Park~

The School Bus was late again, but then so was Gabriel, so the boys didn't mind all that much. Well, actually Sam kind of did, because standing with Cas and Dean on the bus stop was never fun. Dean was cursing and calling Cas names and Cas was looking ready to explode. Quite literally, actually.

Finally, he did.

Sam blinked, surprised. Noticing blood and body parts falling all around on the snow, the Winchesters and freshly arrived Gabriel.

"Oh. My. God!" said Sam eventually, looking at Dean accusingly. "You killed Castiel!"

"You bastard!" yelled Gabriel.

~09:The Big Bang Theory~

Note to self, thought Dean grimly, next time before accepting an apartment - check who your neighbors are going to be! He was sitting on the couch, squeezed between two men, one of whom was apparently his new neighbor. Yay!
If you thought you heard enthusiasm in Dean's inner voice, you were listening wrong. Those guys were fucking weird. And Dean knew that, even before Gabriel started hitting on him in at least seventeen languages. He decided to face Castiel instead.

"So... What do you actually do?"

"I'm a theoretical physicist," he said with the voice of someone who's talking about the job of a saint or something.

Dean nodded, trying to look at least a bit interested.

"Sounds fassscinating."

"It actually is!" agreed Castiel and Dean blinked. In his mind he added 'Sarcasm Sign' to the list of things to get ASAP.

~10:Gilmore Girls~

Gabriel sipped at his coffee, trying to gather his strength. Raising a little brother wasn't easy by any standards. But that's what you get when your only parent suddenly disappears and you're the only off-age sibling that is willing to take young Castiel under his wings. Truth to be told, most things were easier now than when Cas was three, but raising teenager wasn't exactly a picnic.

"I just think perhaps you could find someone better than this Dean boy..."

"Gabriel... He built me a car. How is that not good enough?"

"Well, you know. It's just a car." Castiel stared at him until he could not keep a poker face any longer. "Okay, it is absolutely freaking awesome and squee worthy, but I'm trying to act mature here."

"No need, leave that to me. I'm doing it better anyway."

Gabriel smacked him upside the head with a newspaper. Seriously, kids these days were worse than puppies!

~ ~ ~

Guess away! :D

warning:cross-over, rating:pg13, !meme!, fandom:supernatural, fandom:multifandom

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