Birdsong aficionados! (if there are any out there) - or just anyone, really - can you listen to this and tell me what kind of bird it is? You might have to turn it up a bit. As you can probably tell, it's the most distinctive call (to my ears anyway) that cuts in after about half a second; that little six-note warbling melody. Whatever it is it's been singing outside my window all day for God knows how long, and driving me mad in the process. I tried looking on
British Garden Birds, but I couldn't find it on there, and by the time I'd been through most of them I was so sick of birds I felt like Tippi Hedren at the end of that film. So if anyone could help me identify this elusive avian tormentor I will love you forever. I'll even write to whoever is in charge of birds and recommend that they rename this one after you.