Delianni Writes Her Last Letter (Fiction)

Feb 14, 2007 22:49

Delianni takes a sealed envelope to Rick Metzler, caretaker of her Chicago art gallery and a Watcher for the society. "I've put this off too long," she tells him. "She isn't ready to hear these things. Not yet. She's too young."

"She has seen a lot in her years," Rick tells her. "You should talk to her. Not write to her."

Delianni sighs, and tilts her head upward. "I know," she says, "but she isn't the only one who isn't ready for what needs to be said." Delianni passes the envelope from hand to hand, but doesn't look down at it.

"When do you need it delivered?" Rick asks. She tells him that she is surprised that she hasn't been called away yet. Delianni tells him to deliver it to her daughter shortly after the new year.

When young Fang Ellison opens the envelope, the confused girl will read the following:

Dearest Daughter,

If you are reading this, then it is very likely that the next time you see me, I'll already be dead. If so, please do not try to confront me. You should run far and fast, somewhere I won't find you. I'm afraid that I can't offer any suggestions as to good places to hide.

I should explain. It all began twelve years ago in 1887. My fiance, Starr, was murdered by a necromancer and a creature that I later identified as a wererat. My grandfather and I killed the necromancer, but his creature escaped. I never found her.

Grandfather brought me to Chicago, taught me magic and introduced me to people who could help me understand what had happened. There is a creature, far more powerful than the wererat that escaped, who corrupts the innocent, guides the hands of evil, and threatens all that lives. It is this creature, which my associates and I refer to as The Red Death, that I have fought against for the last decade.

Since I learned of its existence, everything I have done, every decision I have made, has been in an effort to better prepare myself for eventual combat against it. For over a decade the only thing that I have done purely for myself was to accept you into my life. And, I thank you for accepting me as well.

But, this person who is your mother is a person who has been forged in the fires of conflict, smithed by the hammer of adversity, and tempered by courage. I am the person that I am because of The Red Death, and I fully expect both of us to perish when we clash.

I have asked Rick to help care for you after my death. However, he may also be dead by the time you read this. I have made some friends over the years. You have met Tedd, but there are others who can help you, and certainly some of them should still be alive. If any are with me at the end, I will do what I can to save them.

In Michigan, there lives a married pair of doctors both of whom hold English titles.
In South Africa, there lives a countess who loves cats. You should not visit her by the full moon.
In Egypt, there lives a lady professor of archeology.
In England, there is a professor who teaches at Oxford.
In Austria, there is a handsome noble with a Spaniard friend.
In New York, there is a wealthy young man of rich parentage. There is also a man named Johnny.
In Canada, there is a native doctor.
In Egypt, there is another lover of cats whose pets help her channel the mystical powers of her country.
In the wilds of the American west, there lives gunslingers who go by names such as Ace or Snake or Justice. These may be the most difficult to find, but they are also likely to provide the most trustworthy and competent protection.

If you can find such people, please introduce yourself to them and apologize for me. I should not have written their descriptions down. But, this message will not leave this building. And, my concern for your safety is greater than my concern for theirs. I know they can protect themselves.

When you see them, please be sure and pass along a very important message from me. Tell them all that your mother said that it is difficult to determine colour when viewing roses by the moonlight.

I wish we could have more time, dear Fang. But, it the hour is nigh. I go to meet with the others and make a stand. I go to meet my maker. Pray that my sacrifice will be enough that his evil will end as well.


fws, living death, fiction by theno

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